US Citizen Retired moving to Marcia area
Posted: 01 May 2011 11:12 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2011-05-01

Anyone that can give my boyfriend and I information we will need to move to Spain.
We will need medical coverage and want to know if we can get it from Spain when we get there?
We want to rent a two or three bedroom villa?
Our income will be our Social Security and need to know the best way to handle receiving our checks? 
Our plan is to go to Spain next year April or May 2012 for two to three months.  Check everything out and set up where we want to move to.  Then make the move. We are not interested in buying a place to live.  We want a permanent rental place. 
Since we are US citizens rather then UK I find the info will be different for us.
Thanks for any help,

Lucy in the Sky

Posted: 02 May 2011 01:32 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  818
Joined  2006-06-15

Lucy Hi…

Firstly its Murcia not Marcia!

Secondly you need to be very aware that as things stand at the moment, your Social Security checks will be subject to the USD:Euro exchange rate, and at the time of writing this the rate is very poor and frankly I don’t see it improving at all in the near future. Just three months ago, roughly when the Middle East problems kicked off 1USD would get you 0.75 Euro; the rate today is 1USD =0.675 Euro. That’s a hell of a drop in just three months. Dollar Checks will also be subject to handling fees at your Spanish bank. We have a small variable income from the US paid in USD by checks. Currently our bank charge 3 Euros for every USD check we pay in.

In other words 100 USD will get you 67,5 Euros minus bank commission. Also payment of Dollar checks is delayed; you get the rate of the day that they are paid in but you will then have to wait for a period whilst the check is cleared. In our case the waiting period is 20 working days.

I don’t know for sure but I am fairly sure that overall the cost of living here is probably on a par with the US; some things may be cheaper, some more expensive. I haven’t a clue what income you can expect from the US Social Security, but given equality in the cost of living your income is effectively going to be worth about 25%-35% less than in the USA and this could make a big hole in your financial calculations.

Regarding the other matters you mention, your best bet would be to contact your nearest Spanish Embassy, particularly in respect of Healthcare and Social Security.

Hope some of this helps…



Help desperately needed
