American in Spain
Posted: 13 June 2011 05:58 PM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2011-06-13


I’ve read different post’s/articles on NIE and residency and am a little confused. I previously read it was best to wait 2 years before applying for residence if living here illegally. I read today that an immigrant should apply for a NIE and can apply for an NIE prior to applying for residency so that you can apply/get a job. I’m confused, I want to take the right steps can someone please advise. I’ve currently been here in Spain for 6 months, I have a Social Security Number and have gone to the “empadronamiento.”

Thanks in advance for your help!

Posted: 16 June 2011 01:02 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  21
Joined  2011-01-13


First, I always thought I had the “NIE” but it turns out I have residency (which also gives you a NIE number), I did not realize they were two different things until seeing your post. So I looked it up.

A NIE, isnt much and doesnt serve for basically anything, it is more for member of the EU.  It is just a number to identify you as a foreigner, but does not give you the right to live, work, or stay in Spain. The residency does, and it this also includes your “NIE” number, because we all need a number 😊

N.I.E. es el N?mero de Identidad de Extranjeros. Siempre que tenga motivos econ?micos, sociales o profesionales, debe solicitarse este n?mero. No le autoriza a vivir en Espa?a, ni tampoco se le considera residente por estar en posesi?n de dicho n?mero.

Tarjeta de Residencia. Esta tarjeta le autoriza a residir en Espa?a. Si tiene esta tarjeta, usted es residente en Espa?a y utilizar? esta tarjeta como documento de identificaci?n en Espa?a en lugar de su Pasaporte. La tarjeta de Residencia incluye su n?mero de N.I.E. (S?lo para extra-comunitarios. Salvo en los casos de ciudadanos comunitarios que disponen de una Tarjeta de Residencia que todav?a no ha caducado).

Regarding your situation, I have to tell you that you are going to be out of luck. The residency is very hard to get for an American and short from having an awesome job offer from a company who is willing to go through all the paperwork and wait for you, opening your own business and showing that you are going to invest a bunch of money in Spain, retirement or marriage, you are pretty much out of luck.  Even if you did have an offer right now on the table, now that you are in Spain, you are still out of luck. This is because if they see that you have been residing illegally you will be denied, you have to be residing in your country. 

?Cu?ndo solicitar una autorizaci?n de residencia y trabajo?

  Si estas ilegal o como turista en Espa?a y tienes una oferta de empleo, no puedes solicitar una autorizaci?n de residencia y trabajo.

  Solo si ingresaste a Espa?a con un visado de trabajo podr?s solicitar el permiso, sino deber?s regresar a tu pa?s de origen y solicitar el visado en el consulado espa?ol. Esto sucede por que Espa?a no permite cambios en las caracter?sticas migratorias estando dentro de su territorio. Entonces solo puedes tramitar el permiso de residencia y trabajo a trav?s del Consulado General de Espa?a en tu pa?s de origen.

I have also heard that they are getting a bit stricter at the border and looking for VISAs in and such in American passports, if they see you have been here illegally, they can and probably would send you home. (remember, the economic situation in Spain makes it natural that they would send us back to our “rich” country rather than let us take jobs when there is such a high unemployment rate).

I also know a girl who was in Madrid for several years going through every legal possibility to try to stay in Spain, she finally gave up and went home.

Your choices? Live illegally until they catch you on a border entry and kick you out, which may or may not ever happen. Or… MARRY A SPANIARD!!!! oorrrr… INVEST a lot of money in Spain (there are special visas for people who show they are going to invest and open a business)...

Sorry, it is tough. My husband and I went back and forth for years before we finally married, that was the only way in my case.
