Moving to learn the language
Posted: 30 July 2011 10:42 PM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2011-07-30

Hi all,

I have recently visited Spain, twice in the last 6 months, and I very much enjoyed it, and the language, so much so that I want learn the language, I’m going to buy some books/audio/software to help me study, but I will never fully learn it without going to live in Spain, and do the to total immersion method, could anyone tell me there experiences on this?

I’ve very little Spanish at the moment, couldn’t hold a conversation, but really want to learn, but I am thinking it would take a fair while to learn it over there, which is what I’m wondering, can English speaking folk get jobs over there, is it possible? or would I really need to be billingual?

I would love to hear your advice and experiences,

Tim 😊

Posted: 31 July 2011 12:16 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

tim best think you could do is get in to class in loacl area , Classes would start in Sept , would in one off your loacl school as night classes , could i know where u live , just area and look up for u and your age 18- 35 35-50 50-65 are over . do look up the bbc Open University

Posted: 31 July 2011 12:29 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2011-07-30
jurdyr - 31 July 2011 12:16 AM

tim best think you could do is get in to class in loacl area , Classes would start in Sept , would in one off your loacl school as night classes , could i know where u live , just area and look up for u and your age 18- 35 35-50 50-65 are over . do look up the bbc Open University

Hola judyr, como estas?

I live in Aberdeen just now, but come September I will be moving to Newcastle in the UK - I kinda figured, if I just myabe learn the language, and work in Spain over the summer (next summer) continue to study, and then upon graduation, live there for 6-12 months to get fluent, but my only worry would be how to fund myself, e.g getting a job.

I am 21 years old as well 😊

Posted: 31 July 2011 02:00 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  818
Joined  2006-06-15

Tim Hi,

I don’t want to shatter any illusions you may have about coming over here to work but unless you have a trade or profession to offer prospective employers, your chances of getting a job are minimal if you cannot speak Spanish and only slightly better if you can.

Nationally unemployment is currently running at 20% and stands at 41% among the under-25’s.

In November this year, Spain is going to the polls to elect a new government. Unless there is a minor miracle the PP (Conservatives) will win. Traditionally the Spanish Conservatives are far more hard line right wing than the UK. I confidently expect more businesses to close and factories to make sweeping staff reductions thereby adding to the unemployment figures. Working on the principle of Last in First out newcomers will be the first to feel the effects.

You will need an income of between 1000 and 1500 euros per month to lead anything like a comfortable lifestyle; self employed you will have a Social Security bill of 250 euros per month in order to gain points for unemployment benefits in the future and to cover Health Service contributions.

There is a hell of a difference between being here on holiday and being here on a permanent basis trying to earn a living.

Think very hard about what you want from life…



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