Rent Deposit
Posted: 14 July 2011 08:54 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2011-07-14

I rented an apartment south of Barcelona for six months. The initial payment was one month to the letting agent! I’m told “that’s the way it is in Spain”, two months for the deposit and one month up front. ?3,000 in total! After moving out I only had half of my deposit returned. The landlord is keeping the other half. Does anyone know how to claim back deposits, or have advice on any lawyers?

Many thanks

Posted: 15 July 2011 03:03 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  101
Joined  2011-03-15

Letting agents do generally take a months rent, but should state these fees upfront, before offering flats to view. Estate agents who have places to rent don’t charge. Regarding the return of your deposit, landlords will try anything not to return it. Generally though they want to make sure that gas, electric and other bills have been paid. If you can show that all the bills have been paid and there was no damage to the property (apart from normal wear and tear) you should receive all your deposit back. Your letting agent, as part of their service to you should be able (and obliged) to assist.

Posted: 31 July 2011 11:03 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

Hoping that once your utility bills are all settled, the landlord should not have any reason to keep your deposit.

Did you do a ‘walk through’ with the agents/landlord at the beginning of the tennancy?
(An inventory of all contents and condition).

If you are having problems with him, ask him to see the documents where his property is registered with the Tax office/Hacienda and the local town hall. He must do both to comply with tax laws.  Once you start asking these kinds of questions, I hope he will comply.

As above poster also said ^ the agent is obliged to assist you. If they will not, or start being difficult, it might be time to ask for the ‘Libro de Reclamaciones’ - the complaints book.  All businesses must have one/present it (if they do not/refuse, you can actually call the local police to get them to enforce it, or at the very least give you a witness statement to that effect).  Most people will act fast if you say you are going to do a denunica! (Not sure how it applies to landlords… but worth going to your OIC?  Local Consumers office).

Sadly landlords will try to keep deposits. (My last landlord kept mine.. but luckily it was worth the money to get him out of my life forever???!!!!)

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