Australian Citizen registering as a domestic partner of Spanish Citizen
Posted: 13 August 2011 06:45 AM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2011-08-13


I am an Australian citizen and my partner is a Spanish citizen.

My partner and I have been living together for the last 2 months in Spain, and I need to start thinking about my future residency/visa arrangements.

I would like to obtain residency as a partner of a EU citizen. I notice in the article that I can apply for residency if I am a ‘registered domestic partner’, I am not sure what that means exactly, if that refers to de facto relationships or civil marriage.

How to I obtain residency so I can remain in Spain with my partner? Must we obtain a civil union/marriage before I can apply for residency, or is it satisfactory that I am his domestic partner?

Rather confused

Any help would be grand

Posted: 23 August 2011 03:38 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  56
Joined  2011-07-28

I have heard something of a de facto status here in Spain, but don?t quote me on it. When I got married, the Australian Embassy in Madrid had all the information of what I needed to do, I think they would know what to do in your situation as well.

The most important thing at this point is to get your empadronamiento - I am certain they will want to see that.

Sorry can?t be of much help, but Good luck!!
