Complaint about a hotel in Algericas
Posted: 11 August 2011 06:34 PM  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  18
Joined  2011-07-07


Does anyone know if there is a Hotel Regulator in Spain?  I’m trying to settle a complaint, in my favour.  I’ve spoken and emailed the hotel and not getting nothing from them!

I booked the hotel with, however they aren’t interested either!

Thank you.


Posted: 26 August 2011 08:36 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

Can you go to a/your local consumer office? (Assuming you are here in Spain)
They are very very helpful.
Possibly the da.defensor - I understand the national Ombudsman for most things.

I think there was also another post similar to the Ombusdman called pueblo/defensor something?

I am guessing you filled out the ‘Libro de Reclamaciones’ with the business concerned (whether the hotel or the on-line booking

Let us know how you get on…

Posted: 26 August 2011 08:46 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

Hi Coco,
I have (sped) read the liability/T&C’s page. Basically they are waving any responsibility for anything that is third party.  The only section they have to make a complaint is for you to write to them (email - reviews> - add at bottom of T&C’s page) if you feel a review of a hotel/accommodation that was listed on their site, that you then booked with them is not correct.
Sadly the co is based in Texas, so I don’t know how easy it would be to take up a complaint with the Hotels Ombudsman there.

There is a UK phone no (and I presume a UK office of the co), in which case, you could contact the Trading Standards dept and see what they say.

If your complaint is with the hotel here, then I think your best bet is to go through the Consumer Office/Reclamacion proceedure. (Don’t know how easy this is though if you are not based here.)

Good luck.
