Anyone with Sephardic origin? Hay alguien de origen sefardi?
Posted: 20 July 2010 07:43 AM  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2010-07-20

Hi, I am from the U.S. and of Sephardic origin.  Has anyone heard of the actual process of obtaining citizenship under La Ley de Memoria Historica without physically living in Spain for 2 years?  I have heard stories of people obtaining citizenship without actually moving to Spain by using a lawyer but don’t know of anyone who has actually done it.

Does anyone know of a lawyer who can help with this?

Hola, soy estadounidense de origen judio-espanol (sefardi).  Quisiera hallar a un abogado quien ayudarme en obtener ciudadania espanola segun La Ley de Memoria Historica sin quedandome fisicamente en espana por dos an~os.  Conoce a un abogado?  Gracias!

Posted: 20 July 2010 10:42 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  453
Joined  2008-12-30

the sephardic jews that get spanish citizenship that i read about usually get it thru carta de naturaleza.
why are you interested in getting it thru the ley de memoria hist?rica? were your parents or grandparents exiled from spain?

Posted: 20 July 2010 08:01 PM   [ # 2 ]  
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Aritz, thanks very much for your reply.  I just thought that Ley de Mem. Hist. was the law that allowed it.  In any event, I would be reclaiming citizenship solely based on sephardic heritage.  My family (Calderon, Ergas, Aroesti, Sarfaty, Cumhi, Cassorla) ended up in an area called Monastir.  I specifically have heard of one lady related to the Ergas-line who already obtained citizenship after 2-3 years and was able to do it without physically living in Spain.  Just trying to find a lawyer who can help.

Posted: 20 July 2010 11:26 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  453
Joined  2008-12-30


if you apply thru residency, a sephardic jew must accumulate 2 years residence instead of the usual 10 years if the applicant is not a citizen of any of the former colonies of spain.
how do you prove you are a sephardic jew?
see below

Y para acreditar la condici?n de sefard? deber? aportar:
  * Justificaci?n del interesado de su inclusi?n, o descendencia directa, en las listas de familias de sefarditas protegidos por Espa?a.
  * Justificar por los apellidos que ostenta, por el idioma familiar o por otros indicios que demuestren la tradici?n de pertenencia a tal comunidad cultural.
  * Certificado de la Comunidad israelita reconocida en Espa?a que acredite la pertenencia del interesado a la religi?n jud?a sefardita.

if you apply thru carta de naturaleza you submit the requirements you do not have to fulfill the residency requirements and you must submit the application in any of the following

Lugar de presentaci?n de la solicitud:
Ha de dirigir su solicitud a la Subdirecci?n General de Nacionalidad y Estado Civil, Direcci?n General de los Registros y del Notariado, Plaza de Jacinto Benavente, n?mero 3. Madrid 28071.
Puede presentarla en:
  En la Oficina Central de Informaci?n y Atenci?n al P?blico del Ministerio de Justicia. Plaza de Jacinto Benavente, n?m. 3, 28012 Madrid.
  En el Registro Auxiliar del Ministerio de Justicia. Direcci?n General de los Registros y del Notariado. Plaza de Jacinto Benavente, n?mero 3. Madrid 28071.
  En el Registro de cualquier ?rgano de la Administraci?n General del Estado (p.ej, Delegaciones del Gobierno, Subdelegaciones) o de una Comunidad Aut?noma.
  En una oficina de correos.
  En el Registro Civil de su domicilio y el Registro la enviar? a la Subdirecci?n General de Nacionalidad y Estado Civil.
  Si no reside en Espa?a, puede presentarla en el Consulado de Espa?a en el pa?s en que resida y el Consulado la enviar? a la Subdirecci?n General de Nacionalidad y Estado Civil.

check this link

you do not normally need a lawyer as long as you submit the correct documents.

the sephardic jews who were granted citizenship are published in the BOE. you can try contacting them.

Posted: 21 July 2010 12:22 AM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2010-07-20

what is the BOE?

Posted: 21 July 2010 02:21 AM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  68
Joined  2010-01-25
SephardicInUS - 21 July 2010 12:22 AM

what is the BOE?

It’s the Bolet?n Oficial del Estado or, “official state bulletin.” It’s where they publish pretty much anything that is official state business (eg. laws, calls for official state tests/job openings, etc.) for more eloquent information, albeit in Spanish.
Its official website is - you can search there for the info previously recommended to you.

Could you use the same lawyer as the other person who has received citizenship without living there?

Posted: 21 July 2010 02:59 AM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  453
Joined  2008-12-30

the boe is the boletin oficial del estado.
all spanish laws and decrees, before they go into effect, must be published in the boe.
i think in the usa, a law is promulgated once it appears in the federal register.
here are some of the links
click on the sub links
you will see some announcement
now after checking the dates of the real decreto
you can see the dates and checking the dates you can see the publication in the boe
scroll down till you find the III. Otras disposiciones
and you will see the decree granting the citizenship thru carta de naturalleza individually.
you might want to get in touch with them and consult them how they did it.
you can find more cases if you google the announcement dates + nacionalidad espa?ola + sefardi and the publication dates in the boe will show up and you can read the decrees.

Posted: 01 August 2011 03:15 PM   [ # 7 ]  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2011-08-01

I recommend you contact the following Lawyer:GET IN TOUCH
He is a lawyer specialized in these citizenship applications in Spain

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Posted: 01 August 2011 09:53 PM   [ # 8 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2010-07-20

rpinera…thanks for the information.  Does he speak English?

Posted: 05 September 2011 06:09 PM   [ # 9 ]  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2011-08-01

you can phone at 0034 636 335 779 (english speaker lawyer specialized in citizenship applications in Spain)
