Even the governments own websites cant decide which is the correct form….
One says EX-16 another EX-18.
All indications seem to point to a rule change from earlier this year which replaces Form EX-16 with the EX-18.
Found this at http://www.theentertaineronline.com/news.php?item.1707.4
Residencia Renewal (Changes)
Thursday 01 September 2011 - 05:42:28
Recent changes to the Residencia renewal procedure have resulted in predictable minor confusions. The changes, although small, are important. Firstly the form, the EX 16 has been upgraded to an EX 18. Even though they look similar ? and even if you were given an EX 16 at the police station when you made your appointment ? it is no longer accepted. You can pick up the new version at any National Police Station or download it from the internet site:
here. (fb note; Broken link; it looks like the relevant website is being updated at this time. 22/9/11)
Secondly the fee or tasa, has increased by 20 cents to ?10.20. The ?10.20 ?has to be paid at a bank. Again, even if the form you were given (Mod 790) says only to pay ?10 Euros and you have already paid it, you still have to pay the 20 cents difference. No matter how annoying it is, the 20 cents has to be paid at the bank ? the police station unfortunately cannot accept the 20 cents in cash.
The rest is pretty much the same as before. Anyone who is in Spain for more than three months is obliged by Spanish law to register themselves on the central register of foreigners. This can be done at the National Police Station or Foreigners Office for your area.
Pass by the National Police Station in Almer?a City, make an appointment and collect the necessary paper work, application form EX 18 and payment form Modulo 790. Pay the fee at any bank on the day of your appointment or the day before. Bring the following; the filled-out EX 18 form and a copy, your receipt from the bank, your passport or national identity card and a photocopy of the same.
If it is a renewal you need to also bring the document or card that is to be renewed.
No photographs or other paper work is required. You will be issued with your new certificate of residency or Residencia there and then and asked to check it. This does not make you a resident as you are a European citizen and free to come and go. Only non-Europeans are lucky enough to hold ‘residence cards’.
The certificate is valid indefinitely and will not need renewing unless there is a change to your personal details. It shows your full name and address, your place and date of birth, your parents’ given names and your NIE number. It carries no photograph and is not valid for identification purposes, although you may on occasion be asked to show it.
Hope this helps.