Long-term basic accomodation.
Posted: 12 October 2011 08:34 AM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2011-10-12

Hola a todas.
I am currently teaching EFL in Thailand, and I am considering relocating to Spain. From my research on the ‘net, I am particularly interested in Granada or Seville.
If I manage to obtain a teaching position before arriving in Spain, my employers may be able make suggestions regarding accomodation. But if this doesn’t occur… Can anybody suggest budget accomodation available in Spain for a period of 2-3 months which is basic but secure, where I can live while I get things organised. When I was in Spain some time ago there were pensiones available which would suit my needs perfectly. I have tried looking online, and the only budget accomodation I can find is for holidaymakers, not for those wishing to stay long-term.
Any suggestions are welcome and gratefully received.

Posted: 13 October 2011 05:39 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  265
Joined  2011-09-10

Have a look here, Patatas.


These are links for inexpensive accommodation in Granada. 

However, it would be advisable, if at all possible, to have that teaching post lined up before you come over here to Spain.  Work is very thin on the ground at the moment.


Posted: 17 October 2011 05:20 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2011-10-12

Hola Patricia.
Thank you for the link, it looks very useful.
Also thank you for the advice to have a post lined up. I will certainly try to do that.

Posted: 17 October 2011 06:16 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  265
Joined  2011-09-10


You could also try contacting the University of Granada on this link
(this is the department of the university which assists with student accommodation, so it is likely they might know of inexpensive places to stay).
Worth a try

And here are two “escuelas de idiomas” in Granada.  You might like to approach them as regards a job.

Kelington Institute http://www.kelington.es

Kelington Institute, lleva m?s de 15 a?os en Granada mejorando continuamente el sistema de ense?anza. Nuestro sistema de ense?anza se basa en la atenci?n ...
  C/ Arabial, 77, Granada
958 200 308

Columbus Language School http://www.columbus.webcindario.com/Has publicado que a ti tambi?n te gusta esto. Deshacer
Esto es la clase de ciudadano espa?ol que Columbus Language School produce en sus aulas: uno que comunica perfectamente en espa?ol e ingl?s, quiz?s los dos ...
  Torre de las Damas, 1, Granada
958 131 188

Again good luck with everything

