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Reform of the health service in Spain. Is it true?
Posted: 21 November 2011 06:34 PM  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

Hi all,
I have just been speaking with a private health insurance sales person (so wondering if she was trying to scare me into buying a policy 😉
She said:
The Social Security system is under reform.
(To get full pension it has gone up from 15yrs to 25yrs of contributions. Which for Autonomos is going to be 25% of any income?)

But more importantly for me/OH:

Even if you are resident, work in Spain and pay Social Security for Health Care -
EVERYONE - including Spanish Nationals - are going to have to pay for Hospital care/stays (she dit not metion if we have to pay for ops 😉 
The cost for this will be Euors 80 per day.
Apparently they have already implemented this in Barcelona?

As a (resident) partner, but not working/no income of a British resident in Spain, who does pay SS, I will not be covered by their SS/I.e access to free healthcare.
(We are not married, but even if we were the same person said I would not be covered.)

How is this?
Is any of it true?

Would be pleased to hear any feedback/news.


Posted: 21 November 2011 06:43 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  744
Joined  2009-01-22

Can’t comment on the payments for health, except to say not happening in Valencia region.

“As a (resident) partner, but not working/no income of a British resident in Spain, who does pay SS, I will not be covered by their SS/I.e access to free healthcare.
(We are not married, but even if we were the same person said I would not be covered.)”

In the Valenica region (and I think in all of Spain) if one person in the household is paying for Spanish Social Security that covers the total household whether married or not. This is fact because my Spanish partner’s contribs legally cover me and I have a SIP card. But you have to register for this - it won’t just happen.



Posted: 21 November 2011 07:03 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

Thanks Robi. Maybe she was just trying to get a sale 😉

Posted: 21 November 2011 09:02 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  818
Joined  2006-06-15

Sounds like a pretty good sales pitch to me. Smart too… scare the sh*t out of the prospective client and then move in for the kill… A gambit used by builders and plumbers worldwide and MOT garages in the UK.

Seriously I haven’t heard or read anything to this effect and I seriously doubt that even the most right-wing parliamentary party would consider such a draconian move. Given that the current unemployment figures put 21% of all adults and 45% of all 18-25 year-olds as out of work and drawing benefit, those affected would effectively be handing their dole check straight back to the authorities.

Just don’t see it happening…



Help desperately needed


Posted: 21 November 2011 09:23 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  744
Joined  2009-01-22

Actually discussed this thread with my Spanish wife over lunch and she says things are bad in Catalonia and she can well believe that people are being asked to make contributions given the deficit - anybody living there who knows for sure?

I understand across Spain people are being told the actual cost of medicines and treatment in an attempt to make people more aware of this huge cost and the fact it must not be abused.

For those (UK) that have not found it - worth a look



Posted: 22 November 2011 03:32 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  55
Joined  2009-08-19

I live in Catalunya and know of people having hospital treatment. No one to my knowledge is paying towards there treatment. I have heard that doctors have been given a directive stating that expensive drugs are not to be prescribed unless they are a last resort.

Posted: 22 November 2011 05:53 PM   [ # 6 ]  
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OK sounds like good news but Health and Education are on Rajoy’s ‘hit list’

Pity they wasted 70/80 millions Euros on San Javier (Murcia) airport which is now scheduled to be closed to commercial flights in 2012.



Posted: 22 November 2011 07:01 PM   [ # 7 ]  
Total Posts:  101
Joined  2011-03-15

People here will use any method to try and sell you something. If your partner is paing SS here you are covered. The idea of ‘co-pago’ has been mooted, especially in Catalunia, but it has been used more of a scare tactic than anything, I doubt if any autonomous region will ever bring it in. Paying more for prescription charges, well, that may change. In Galicia they send you a bill after hospital treatment, but this is only to show you the cost, you don’t have to pay anything.

On similar scare-mongering sales I have been told by electric companies that poeple may be fined for using the ‘tarifa de ultimo recurso’ - absolute bullshit.

Then there are the alarm salesmen who want to give me an alarm system ‘absolutely free of charge’ for displaying one of their signs. Absolutely free works out to be absolutely free installation fees, on top of the price of the alarm system (which is included in the price of the alarm system).

If you are interested in health insurance, because you want private health insurance, research and buy it on internet and not through someone who knocks on your door.

Posted: 23 November 2011 06:35 AM   [ # 8 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

Thanks RB ^
This particular sales person sent me an unsolicited email (still wondering where they got my add from…. :(
It has started the ball rollling for me to do some serious investigating/comparisons.

Will keep my eyes and ears open for any more news on this.

Posted: 23 November 2011 04:19 PM   [ # 9 ]  
Total Posts:  744
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According to the local Brit paper - quoting from El Pais, it says that 10 billion is owed by hospitals throughout Spain for medicines and equipment to suppliers, with some bills outstanding for nearly 2 years! The most in debt is the Andalucia region - owing 1.1 billion.
There may be troubles ahead….........



Posted: 07 December 2011 06:48 AM   [ # 10 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

I just found this link to the FB page where the sales person who quoted me these facts is now publishing it.


Surely she must have some foundation for her claims???

Posted: 07 December 2011 07:33 PM   [ # 11 ]  
Total Posts:  818
Joined  2006-06-15

Damn she’s good isn’t she!

Note how she studiously avoided answering a direct question about her source though…



Help desperately needed


Posted: 07 December 2011 10:18 PM   [ # 12 ]  
Total Posts:  682
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FB… Makes me sure that she is just a very clever sales person.

I haven’t had time to study the ‘plans’ her co is offering, but think it worked out at Eu 150 for 2 of us for one full cover (for me)
and OH, who is registered/has a job here and emergency/hospital cover, we were looking at just a dr type consultation plan for them.

I am going to try the Sanitas rep, as a friend has told me they pay around this amount for 2 of them, for full cover for both!

(Think the premium will be a little higher for us tho as OH is now into their 60’‘s….. I know that if we want private medical care for them we must do it before they are 65, as they will not sign you up for a new policy after this age. But will continue to renew an exisitng one.) 

Just need to do the research and maths!


Posted: 07 December 2011 10:36 PM   [ # 13 ]  
Total Posts:  818
Joined  2006-06-15

Might be worth talking to DWP at Newcastle… 0044 191 218 7777…  used to be you could get up to two years of cover if one member of a couple is approaching retirement age which could be applied to both parties. Then at retirement and receipt of a UK pension, the S1 form would be configured to cover both parties…



Help desperately needed


Posted: 08 December 2011 10:12 AM   [ # 14 ]  
Total Posts:  682
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Seems there are talks happening re this. Said sales person did mention Barcelona at one point, but no one can confirm/otherwise that these ideas will actually be implemented in the immediate future.

But as Robi points out -the health service here is in dire straits.

Posted: 08 December 2011 10:18 AM   [ # 15 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01


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