debt collectors in spain.
Posted: 15 December 2011 10:23 PM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2011-12-15

Please someone help. I have had a fall out with movistar (believe it or not) over a factura they sent me
which is wrong and I refuse to pay. They have been hastling me for weeks now and yesterday
I received a phone call off “medina cuadros” and a letter today from them also. I believe they are
a law firm/debt collectors ..... Anyway the woman on the phone was quite understanding but said
If the bill only (?125) isnt paid by the 30th of december then I will be summoned to court…...
I am leaving the country to relocate for good before this date, is it worth worying about
or do I just dont look back.???? Can they chase me,,, can I get arrested by entering Spain again?? :(
Worrying me a little, any help would be muchly apreciated.

Posted: 15 December 2011 11:21 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  265
Joined  2011-09-10

Shepp, I think it would be best to sort this out.  You can insist that Movistar let you have an itemised bill showing the when and the where of the calls in dispute.  With that in hand you can file a complaint with the Union de Consumidores (consumer association) for the province or area where you live.  All this in writing.  You can then tell the debt collection agency which called you that you have done so, and ask THEM for their address and contact details.


Posted: 15 December 2011 11:38 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2011-12-15

Hi Campana, Thankyou very much for your reply, Id love to sort it out but I really havent got that much time left,
and by the time it has been sorted it will be well into january or even february, Spain does things verrryyyy slowly!!!
I am just worried about the implications on returning to spain. I have spoke to others owing nearly 1,000 euros in the same
problem and having no people after them???

Posted: 16 December 2011 04:14 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

sort this out , if got problem with you phone company and think your right then telephone regulator in Spain it , also tell and email the debt collectors and movistar that you put a complant about you billing

Posted: 16 December 2011 08:21 AM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

Hi Shepp.. poss take a look at my thread, UK Debts, Spanish Will…

Basically I have been told by a UK lawyer (with specialism in Spanish law), that if the debt is sold on (to a UK co in your case if you are returning there?)... or the Sp co takes out a European court order… Basically the debt will not go away.

Please take half a day to go to your local consumer office, get all the advice there (which usually will involve writing and sending your complaint to the customer services dept of Movistar by registered post). Then at least you have addressed the matter with them.  (They may also give you the telephone regulators address to write to also as Jurdy suggests.) 

My understanding is that as long as you deal with the matter they cannot force you to pay (through legal assistance or even the courts - unless of course a court decides in their favour.) 
I would hope that if you tell them you are returning to the uK, they will either accept the real amount you owe, or write off the debt.
(I am sure there are 1000,s’ of people who have a complaint agiainst them! I am sure my bill has calls on that I never made - but as it is just a few Euros a month, I chose not to remonstrate with them.)

Good luck. SJ

Posted: 16 December 2011 08:23 AM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

ps - don’t know if it is worth barganing with the medians/or Movistar that if they want to chase the debt, they will have to foot your bills for travel expenese/place to stay here if they summons you to court…. ???? (Worth a try???) 

(NB I do know that a court summons (even as a witness) is an obligation, and you can be fined or imprisoned if you do not show - or at the very least phone them and tell them you are no longer living in Spain etc….

‹‹ Time is runnning out!      NaZa ››