Need advice on UK Prescriptions
Posted: 14 December 2011 07:24 PM  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2011-12-14

My wife and I are retired and will be moving from UK to Frigiliana in February. We are both on medication for various age-related problems. At present we renew our prescriptions every couple of months at our local G.P. here in Surrey.  How does one go about arranging this sort of thing in Spain?  We have the European Health Ins. cards - would this cover a prescription short-term until we get registered -  or is it best to have some sort of private insurance?  I’m sure there are plenty of ex-pats out there who have had similar problems.  Would appreciate any advice.  Thanks

Posted: 14 December 2011 11:42 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

You sould have no problem with this as what for sale in uk is here in spain and cheapper aswell , hold you prescriptions and the box that come in and bring to spain
Health Ins get in touch with them in UK but think wont cover on going prescriptions
google frigiliana spain chemist and you get telphone number and address
sorrry can help any more as up the walls in work

Posted: 15 December 2011 12:33 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2011-12-14

Many thanks for your advice,  jurdyr, it is much appreciated.
best regards

Posted: 16 December 2011 08:12 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

Hi Jim,
I assume if you are retiring here, you will also become residents. So as long as you are over 65 (retirement age here for men and women), you will be entitled to free Social Secutiry (i.e National Health). This also will include free prescritions. But of course you will have to register here etc. 
Make sure you speak to Newcastle before leaving and get all the correct forms. (As long as you will be staying here more time than in the UK.. some people like to go back and forth and keep their UK doc… But I am sure you will know that anyone staying in Spain more than 3 months per year is supposed to register as a resident.)  Read up as much as you can on this before making this commitment… also ask as many Q’s as you need to!

Good luck with the move.

PS - If for any reason you need to buy your medication, many prescription drugs here are available at reasonable prices. (Although my migraine meds are Eu44 for just 6 tabs, where I get a prescription for 24 for 7 quid in the UK :( 

Posted: 19 December 2011 12:15 AM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2011-12-14

Hi susanpain

Didn’t realise I’d have to contact Newcastle, but will do tomorrow.  Wife is 62 so I guess we’ll have to sort out some health insurance for her in the meantime.
Many thanks for all the information.  We thought we had covered most things, but you’ve highlighted two already!  Hate to think what else we might have missed!!
I’ve a funny feeling I’m going to be a regular on this site…

Posted: 19 December 2011 02:37 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  744
Joined  2009-01-22

Suggest you also spend time here and the links it gives:

There is always a lot to do at first which seems confusing but we all get there.

ps Spent 2 wks walking in Frigiliana last May -



Posted: 19 December 2011 02:52 PM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

Your’e welcome Jim. That’s what we’re all here for 😉 

Good luck with everything. 😊

Posted: 19 December 2011 10:01 PM   [ # 7 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-07-17

Hi Jim,
my husband and I are hoping to move over to Spain in 2013 and so I’ve been doing a fair bit of research as well as having several friends who live there who are most helpful!  I believe that so long as you get the correct forms from Newcastle you can have 2 or 2 and half years full free health care whatever your age so this could be beneficial for your wife.  Neither of us will be anywhere near retirement age and nor will we be employed although we may set up a small business so we may need to look at private healthcare after the free period is over tho if we set up a business we can pay the social security contributions and be entitled to full free treatment anyhow!
There is certainly alot to do and sort and I reckon it’ll take us all the time we have to sort everything out!  Good luck with your move. 😊

Posted: 20 December 2011 04:53 PM   [ # 8 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2011-12-20

New here guys
