Is The End Nigh for Expats ???
Posted: 20 December 2011 07:09 PM  
Total Posts:  51
Joined  2011-09-15

Hi Guys,

Been reading some reports recently about the economic crisis starting to impact expats directly:

1) Light on main roads in Costa del Sol not being turned on at night due to lack of funds !

2) Chemists in Alicante & other regions striking because of non payment by Local Government !

3) Increase in petty crime/robberies directed towards expats !

4) A reported “contingency plan” by British Government to “rescue” expats if law & order breaks down !

Is this just a case of newspapers selling “sensation” or are the reports well founded ? We currently live in Asia Pacific region but definitely plan to move to Spain - so its difficult to tell & would appreciate feedback from people on the ground.

Many Thanks,


Posted: 20 December 2011 07:57 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  265
Joined  2011-09-10

Hello “Andrea”.

I daresay that shortage of cash due to the recessionary times is the cause of lack of lighting on some roads.  Spain is going through a diffiult time at the moment, as are other countries.

I think many of the problems mentioned are quite localised. 

As regards the contingency plan for rescuing expats from Spain, well it all seems a little OTT, I think.  The actual phrase was “PENNILESS expats”.

As for burglaries and robberies, well these have always been a feature of resort areas, and big cities.  Spanish and expats are targetted.  The main targets certainly in the Costa del Sol area were large detached villas in upmarket developments.  Some friends of mine were robbed a number of years ago (long before recession!) by an eastern European gang operating in the area.  The gang were heavily armed, hit both wife and husband (neither of them are young people) , took all her jewellery, forced them to open their safe, and took away as well one of their valuable cars. 
However, that said, they are still living in Spain, as they have done for decades.

Now that poverty and recession have been added into the mix, I daresay that people who would never have burgled or robbed before may now be forced to do so. 

Evidently if one is living in a gated development, with security, the risks are minimal. 

I honestly do not believe there will be any break down of law and order in the country. 

