Hello all,
New to the forum so apologies if this was covered a million times (did try to search, but didn?t find exactly what I needed)
Anyway, here goes:
I have been on ex-pat assignment with my US company in Madrid for the last year and a half. My assignment is coming to an end and was told I could take a “leave of absence” from my US contract and stay here for a couple of more years under a local contract.
They would make me an offer on a local contract, paid from Spain (vs current situation where I still get my salary in USD in the US)
As such, would I be subject to Spain tax rates, or can I claim this 24% non-resident tax for a few years, as some seem to have commented on? Seems like the local tax rate that I would fall under is over twice that of the flat rate, so clearly that would make a big impact on my decision to stay or not.
Other factors that may or may not make a difference:
- I am a dual citizen (US/UK) so would assume I?d stay here under UK passport
- Married with 2 kids (under the age of 3)
Would appreciate any insight
thanks in advance