Spanish Healthcare for Pregnant Girlfriend.
Posted: 14 December 2011 02:55 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2011-12-14


Im hoping someone can help with our predicament:

I currently live in Mallorca with my girlfriend. We are both UK nationals. I am a Resident in Mallorca and run my company as an Autonomo so pay into the system. I have my Empadramiento and Health Card. My girlfriend works for a major airline and works out of London airports so commutes back on a weekly basis. She has a NIE but is not a full Resident as she pays her taxes in the UK.

We recently had the great news that she is pregnant. We obviously want to have the baby in Mallorca but aren’t sure about where we stand with Health care for her during the pregnancy.

Any advice would be gratefully received!


Posted: 19 December 2011 08:06 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  744
Joined  2009-01-22

OK as no one else has replied (are we all too old for babies?)
By the looks of things your girlfriend is officially classified as non resident, so she is only officially entitled to emergency, get you home type care via her EHIC - I guess this would include the delivery but maybe not any anti natal classes etc (going places I have never been)

Interestingly of course as you are paying autonomo that covers all members of the household, but of course she would have to be on the padron and hold Spanish National Insurance number etc.

Bottom line - the system does not really cover your circumstances as it expects that people are either here or not and if not then they are tourists and so would not want the full type of cover.

What do others think?



Posted: 30 December 2011 10:05 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  24
Joined  2007-02-25

Can you not get her added too your social security (health card) as a dependent like i did with my children. not sure how it works with partners though so you may have too ask around. But if she already has her NIE number she just needs too get a social security number to qualify to work in spain.
If not ask about private medical care. My sister has this and is half way through her pregnancy. she pays around 50 euros a month for it and gets very good treatment.
hope this helps a little. sorry i can’t be of anymore help.

Posted: 10 February 2012 02:38 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  15
Joined  2011-01-24

If she has the EHIC card (what was the E111, issued from the UK) she is covered in Spain for all pregnancy care, including delivery and routine tests during pregnancy. Go to your CAP, they should be able to help you.

