I read the link below and many thanks: don’t go any further if you want to know about this, it is the best guide around. But, I know with forums that you have to split hairs otherwise meaning is totally lost, so I have a few questions.
I live near Badajoz but want to buy a car near C?diz or M?laga… foolish I know but, hey!... that’s never stopped me
OK… assuming I follow what is in the above link, what local Jefatura De Tr?fico do me and the seller go to? If it’s my local office, the seller will not be very happy and refuse - not a problem though, if it’s where he lives, which I guess it probably is.
Just to be clear, when I leave the Jefatura De Tr?fico the Permiso De Circulaci?n will not be in my name?
If it isn’t, how long will it take and is it posted to me or the seller - the seller I suppose, otherwise I hold all the ‘cards’ but not the car.
In any case I will have to go back to C?diz or M?laga and pay the money less the deposit, pick-up the car and the Permiso De Circulaci?n in my name if the seller has it and not me.
Finally, its says above ‘... You need to be able to reclaim that down payment if the deal falls through at the Jefatura… ‘
Not sure how you’d get the money off a reluctant seller. Do you have listings here for ‘muscle’! I guess the safest thing to do is write a clause in the sales agreement between us that if the transfer fails the deposit is repaid.
UPDATE 13:50 horas 230512
I guess all this could be avoided if I employed a gestor, but can you tell me firstly if I should employ a gestor local to me or the seller - I guess the seller to reduce cost of travel, etc., and if it is sensible to employ the same gestor as the seller as he is more than likely to employ one too. I am thinking with the last query there may be a conflict of interest but I wouldn’t think that was appropriate in this case.
I don’t know how keen anybody is to answer this but my gratitude would be boundless and your welcome to stop in for a vino whenever your near Badajoz…