Quite a few of us expats, along with many Spanish nationals, have Blackberry smartphones.
Setting up with PAYG for the BIS in Spain can sometimes be initially more expensive than with other smartphones, as it requires a special service (and the cheaper service providers often don’t offer this), but once set up, using a Blackberry for collecting emails, notices and messages is at most times cheaper than your average smartphone, as the Blackberry Internet Service works upon highly compressed data.
However, Blackberry users may not have this advantage much longer.
RIM (Research in Motion) is in serious financial difficulty and the launching of the newest Blackberry OS - Blackberry 10 - is being delayed indefinitely.
Talks of millions being lost daily and of a takeover are in the air…
Why am I posting this here?
Well, I like using my Blackberry and, against other smartphones you can use in Spain, it does appear to use much less data (and therefore costs me less).
But the ongoing talk about the troubles with RIM is not exactly inspiring confidence - to Blackberry fans and to potential new users.
This could make a situation whereby less Blackberries are sold (and of course, Apple and the Android market take full advantage).
If an Android supplier takes over RIM, I see a time in the not too distant future where owning a Blackberry will have no real advantage and new models will become complete Android copies.
Any thoughts from Blackberry fans here?