As a researcher, I often have the opportunity to move to different countries. I have in the past lived in India, Australia, Italy and Germany.
I have a job offer as a postdoc fellow in Spain. I got the ‘offer’ letter (a single page letter in Spanish that I don’t really understand)
I am currently working as a postdoc in Germany. I hold Australian citizenship, Indian OCI visa and German work visa.
In order to go to Spain, I must apply for a Spanish visa from within Germany.
Can anyone tell me what kind of visa I need? and how to obtain one.
Is it really as big a headache as the lady told me? (getting police clearance from countries of past 5 years - for me Australia, Italy and Germany, getting medical cert., transcripts, and then getting them all translated to Spanish). What a pain!! :( :( :(
I neither have the energy nor the patience to go through this tedious process of getting a Spain visa. Are there any agencies who will help me?
I speak neither German nor Spanish. The Spain embassy in Germany is not at all helpful. They have no information in English or anyone who speaks English. I am considering going back to one of my home countries (India/Australia) to apply from there or even rejecting the job offer. What do you people suggest?
As a sidenote, Spain and Italy are two of the countries to avoid going for academic purposes unless you enjoy being caught up in endless buearocracy. Getting a German visa was a piece of cake, but I have yet to receive my stay permit in Italy 2 years after applying for it.
Spain seems to be catching up with Italy 😊