TRAC digital & fast internet?
Posted: 27 June 2007 03:00 PM  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2007-06-27

Last year Telefonica, out of the blue, came round and installed a trac digital unit in our previously unconnected house. This is basically mobile phone technology screwed to the wall.

I can only connect to the internet through Telefonica and the only way I can improve the speed is by using a satellite downlink. I use SkyDSL, not Ya, as Ya took me to court for not paying for a service I hadn’t received…but that’s another story.

Surely there is a better way? Even using this technology I ought to be able to get better than the 45kbs that I’m getting?


Woopeedoo it!

Posted: 06 July 2007 06:59 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  7
Joined  2007-07-02

Hello there,
I too have a Trac telephone, absolute rubbish.
There must be some one out there who can help us, to get rid of Telefonica would be a dream come true!
Heres wishing and hoping.
If you find them first PLEASE let me know.

Posted: 06 July 2007 08:11 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  112
Joined  2007-07-04

I don?t think that that would be that straightforward.  Telef?nica have the telecoms market cornered in Spain.  Even other suppliers, like BT, are resigned to using the Telef?nica infrastructure.

Why don?t you look at some of the Vodafone wireless ADSL solutions?

Posted: 26 August 2007 02:25 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2006-03-22

See my reply about Telefonicas refusal to supply ASDL. There is a way to speed up your internet. My TRAC phone is the same as my friends land line!!!


Susannah 😊

Posted: 26 August 2007 03:01 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  7
Joined  2007-07-02

Hi Susannah,

Thanks for information.
Have one problem, cant seem to open your link re Telefonicas ADSL!
My TRAC telefone and moden sem to have a mind of their own….....
Have bought 2 new modens, cant install either.
Have also been trying to get INTERNET RURAL to respond to numerous calls, now over a period of about 4 months, still waiting, does anyone else know of this company? Alas cant use IBERBANDA, not in sight of the mast.
Any help would be wonderful.


Posted: 26 August 2007 03:58 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2006-03-22

Hi Gill. The thread Telefonica won’t supply ASDL to Rural is somewhere near the top of the forum. I didn’t need to buy a new modem because you can pick amodem from a list of pre installed modems on your computer. Unless you are saying that your PC never had a modem!

I bought a piece of kit which is called a USB to serial port. The cable comes with a disk for installation. because the original cable supplied was not long enough a very good PC guy who is Spanish sorted me out an extention. With this , after installing the software and choosing the modem which is a 33600bps chosen modem from my list.  Then next to the danger yellow triangle underneath the TRAC equipment is a serial port and after screwing in the connection, it worked fine without dropping the line. However it was a bit slow so I increased the speed of the connection and then bought a package from PC City called ONSPEED.

at the moment my velocidad is 230.4kbs I also use a DAP download manger to speed up any downloads I may have. Honestly I have not had a problem since I did this. It was the TELEFONICA engineer who told me that a normal internet connection eg just using a dial up method will not work and that the phones are designed for this cable. My fax also works fine to send and recieve on the second number which you are given. I am not a computer expert but managed to do this myself.


Susannah 😊

Posted: 04 September 2007 05:08 PM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  7
Joined  2007-07-02

Hello there,

Many thanks for thr information regarding TRAC telrphones and Internet.

I now have to put my hands up to being a new commer to using the internet, think we are now called
‘silver users’?

Upon installing a new modem the pc does come up with speeds etc of others and aSiS 99 Based Fast Ethernet Adapter!!!!!

Could / would you be so kind as to explain, in ‘simple’ terms what I need to do, afraid I dont have a friendly
computer whizz any where nearby….

While on the TELEFONICA RAGE, ourso called state of the art box on the wall, which has to be rest at least
4 - 7 times a day, especially in this hot weather, has now broken, the reset button has gone! The Telefonica
engineer told us that if we wanted a new one we woould have to BUY it ourselves!!!!
My friend has now gone over to IBERBANDA, (we are not in sight of the mast from here) and has offered us her TRAC box,
wonderful idea, but niether of us can get them off the walls, does anyone know how???

Thanks for ANY HELP
