Moving to Spain. Looking for a penpal.
Posted: 24 September 2007 02:51 AM  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2007-09-24


Hi everyone. I plan on moving to Spain in a year and I’m in search of a penpal to ease the transition. I’m 26 years-old and I just started taking spanish classes about 8 months ago. I live in Chicago and work as a certified pubic accountant. I’m looking to check out of life and live abroad for awhile- maybe 3 - 6 months. I love to travel and I love nothing more than meeting people from different parts of the world and experiencing their culture and traditions. And I really want to learn spanish. It would be great to befriend someone living in Spain.

Hope to hear from you.

Posted: 24 September 2007 10:21 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  44
Joined  2007-08-12

This sound an interesting job “certified pubic accountant. ” Sorry I just had to :lol:

Hope you find someone as a penpal, I am only a temp visitor to Spain at the moment.


Posted: 25 September 2007 12:27 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2007-09-24

Ha! That’s a classic typo! Yeah, I do that too - in my spare time.  😉

Damn spell check! It’s useless for such words!

Posted: 25 September 2007 01:10 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  31
Joined  2007-07-31


I have contacts in Spain and might be able to help.  My stepdaughter (23) might be interested or one of her friends.  If you could send a few more details on likes and interests that would help.  (And female/male? I’m not going to guess!).  You can send a PM I think.

Years ago I tried the penpal websites but you end up wading through hundreds of contacts many of which were not my cup of tea (terribly british phrase that one).  I had two people who had dedicated themselves to saving my soul - and I only said I wanted to learn some spanish!  Another guy in the Basque country wanted me to have dinner at his ‘men only club’ where I could gorge myself on meat????  I declined.

Whatever good luck and I hope the adventure works out.  Nigel

Posted: 14 October 2007 01:44 AM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  32
Joined  2006-07-04

Hey Jen!
Do you know what part of Spain you’ll be in? Are you planning on enrolling in a class once you arrive? You’ll befriend a ton of people in a class, and depending on the program there are usually excursions included which will help with the traveling part.
Nevertheless if you’d like a penpal I’d be happy to exchange emails with you. Mine is .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Good luck!
