Taking The Plunge!!
Posted: 09 October 2007 10:29 PM  
Total Posts:  7
Joined  2007-10-08

Hi There Everyone! I’m a complete newbie…. my fiance and i are packing up everything and making the move to spain in December. We think we would like to start in the costa del sol area as this I think would be the warmest part in the winter months? Am I right? Anyway here’s my question for you all…....... ARE WE MAD?!! :gulp: We don’t have jobs to go to , we are going to search when we arrive. I am NVQ qualified carer and Adam is an experienced plumber so we are hoping we should be able to find something. We haven’t actually got anywhere to live either! (As I’m writing this I think I’m answering my own question!) We have a bit of money to last a while so won’t be destitute but obviously we would perfer to be working. Any advice (numbers of good therapists!) gratefully recieved! xxx


no more English winters for me!! :lol:

Posted: 09 October 2007 11:44 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  31
Joined  2007-08-27
kerryp - 09 October 2007 10:29 PM

Hi There Everyone! I’m a complete newbie…. my fiance and i are packing up everything and making the move to spain in December. We think we would like to start in the costa del sol area as this I think would be the warmest part in the winter months? Am I right? Anyway here’s my question for you all…....... ARE WE MAD?!! :gulp: We don’t have jobs to go to , we are going to search when we arrive. I am NVQ qualified carer and Adam is an experienced plumber so we are hoping we should be able to find something. We haven’t actually got anywhere to live either! (As I’m writing this I think I’m answering my own question!) We have a bit of money to last a while so won’t be destitute but obviously we would perfer to be working. Any advice (numbers of good therapists!) gratefully recieved! xxx

Hi there Kerry! Nice seeing you have joined the forum! Your not mad…..............your very clever in the way that you have finally decided to become a ex pat 😉

I may of said that if you didnt have much money then maybe a tiny bit mad, but as you said above you got enough money to get by you should be ok!! Making sure that when you get over there you dont treat it completely as a holiday and keep saying to yourself “ahh it will be ok, il go job searching next week” then next week you say the same thing! because its easy to make that mistake! hehe.

I think, as i constantly say time and time again, stay positive! and Use the thing between your ears (brain) hehe, you’l be ok!!

But as i said above, Dont keep treating it like a holiday!

if you need advice, we’r all here for you both!



“The Young Ex-Pat”

Posted: 09 October 2007 11:57 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  7
Joined  2007-10-08

Thanx Luke!! I think you are absolutely right when you say about putting off the job searching which is why i think its a good idea to go over in the winter instead of the summer so the call of the beach is not so tempting!! Our main priority is to job search, I’ve just read so many forums that say how hard it is to find work there that i am a bit worried about it?  😊


no more English winters for me!! :lol:

Posted: 10 October 2007 12:10 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  31
Joined  2007-08-27

Yer, that sounds a good idea!

Just make sure you stay positive, but not being too cocky lol because i knew someone who kept boasting how well they were going to do out there and ended up coming back because they went about the whole thing wrong! Just Lay off the luxurys til you have found jobs etc. Whats your spanish like….........?

Im not too familier with the costa del sol area so not sure what its like getting a job, but im sure you’l be fine!!

Just have BELEIF!

All the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luke 😜


“The Young Ex-Pat”

Posted: 10 October 2007 12:21 AM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  7
Joined  2007-10-08

Mmm… My Spanish is a bit dodgy to be honest!! Started to learn it a few months ago and thought i was a whizz because I could say ‘hello’ ‘my name is..’ and how much?’ etc!! lol! now i’ve started learing it as a proper language its a bit confusing!!!  😖 Anyway will persevere, I’m living in hope that it will be easier to pick up once I’m there.
Sorry to bleet on so much but as we are coming over ‘blind’ ie: no real destination, is there somewhere that you would suggest as a good starting place other than the costa del sol?


no more English winters for me!! :lol:

Posted: 10 October 2007 12:30 AM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  31
Joined  2007-08-27

Thing is Kerry im not brialliant when it comes to places as im still young! Try PMing “The Expatriator”, hes really good when it comes to places. I would recommend going some place where its busy through out the year, but not rediculusly busy. and also somewhere wheres it not full of tons of english lol!*Cough* Benidorm *Cough* 😉 maybe some place near malaga!

you want to make sure you go somewhere that you think you can get a job.



“The Young Ex-Pat”
