HELP!! Utilizing work visa/work permit for other jobs - Desperate Need of Help :(
Posted: 11 October 2007 09:02 PM  
Total Posts:  41
Joined  2007-10-11

Hello everyone! My name is Sagar & I currently am an analyst for WB in LA. After going to Spain for the last 2 years for the summers and having a serious girlfriend in Malaga, I have come to the conclusion to make a change of course in my life. Loving every aspect of Spain, on my last trip this past summer I decided to look for work and figure out all the legal issues concerning employment. Unfortunately I was unable to find anything and was only able to network amongst others and take ” common advice “. After returning to the US, I researched plenty and figured out what needs to be done. I truly feel the only way to get to Spain with legal working documents is by teaching English. I am going to use this as my gateway to get there legally and work. My concern is that, I will be given a work permit and work visa as this company I am going through for my TESOL guarantee’s job placement with papers, yet I want to know IF I CAN UTILIZE MY WORK VISA/PERMIT TO ACQUIRE OTHER FORMS OF EMPLOYMENT. I am changing my life and can’t take it any longer here in the states. I am looking for any type of advice that anyone may be able to provide me as far as working in Spain as an English teacher, residency, etc, etc. I was trying to acquire a job in Madrid for Warner Bros, and actually spoke to the Director of Human Resources for all southern europe and was told that if only i had the papers she could offer me a job. This is what brings me to my question, that if I were to obtain working papers to teach English in Spain, could i potentially use the same work visa/permit to acquire another type of job…. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEE HELP IF ANYONE HAS ANY IDEAS OR KNOWLEDGE IN REGARDS TO THIS. I am miserable here and if there is one thing I want to do in my life, its move to Spain and establish myself there. This has been the hardest thing for me after returning back to the states for the 2nd year in a row. Please feel free to post something or even e-mail me directly at : .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

i am also on facebook and myspace and would love to network with anyone in my same situation.

Girlfriend in Spain, in love with the culture, sick of the materialistic and politically influenced society in the US. I need this guys & i hope someone out there can truly help. Broken hearted , confused, and frustrated, i cant think of what more I can do.

Saludos a todos,



Sagar G. Parikh

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Posted: 11 October 2007 09:15 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  1682
Joined  2005-12-05

Hey SGP,
It sounds all too familiar my friend. 😊

I might suggest looking at a different gateway to a life in Spain besides teaching. You’re an analyst? You might want to look at getting work with a law firm or another expat run company. There’s a lot on the Internet if you start rooting through the links on this site and do some searches. Actually I’m not sure what an analyst is/does.

What’s your financial situation like? Could you start a business? That might be an easier way of getting yourself into the country legally, on an autonomo visa. Also note that you might be able to find work in the media and score a Freelancers visa. Some other good ideas for making a living in Spain here.

There’s also the option of just landing here, crossing your fingers, staying low and making something happen.

So what do you think?


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Recommended reading: working visa (non EU), other visas, jobs in Spain, teaching English (non EU), finding apartments, holidays, mobile/cell phones, NIE cards, gestors.

Posted: 11 October 2007 10:01 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  41
Joined  2007-10-11

helloo!! thank you so much for the response. I have actually looked at many of these website already and the problem for me is that i am a US citizen. The jobs that are offered on these sites do not sponsor us citizens and for the majority they say that i need to have the proper documentation prior to getting employment. These sites such as wemploy, thinkspain, etc. do not help us citizens acquire the documentation and so its a lose lose situation for me .

Currently I am a financial analyst that prepares royalty statements for actors/actresses. I tried to transfer to madrid but then again the problem with that was the same, that i had to have papers to work there and that they would not sponsor me and file paperwork for me to obtain the visa/permit.

As far as starting my own business… im not sure about that.. i have some capital but not a substantial amount in order for me to start something on my own there. I believe the average cost to start a business there would be about 15 thousand euro or more.

I intended on using the english teaching as a gateway to try and use my permit/visa as a means to find another form of employment in which i could gain more money and reside there. I am really lost and confused, and this is a big thing for me as I have a B.S. in economics and management from a well known university in the US, but now i am transitioning to something else career wise just so I can be in Spain. I was just in Malaga for 2 months trying to figure it out and it was really difficult because the only thing i was missing was a work visa/permit.

I am not sure how this english teaching thing will work out but if it gets me there for 9 months, hopefully i can figure something out with the papers i will have.

Any other ideas help, anything!! Thank you soo much!! i hope i hear more!


Sagar G. Parikh

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Posted: 11 October 2007 10:10 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  1682
Joined  2005-12-05

The biggest problem with teaching English is that they aren’t going to sponsor your work visa either. ALMOST guaranteed 0% chance of that unless you manage to get yourself into teaching in the big leagues doing business English (which is nearly impossible without previous experience).

As for starting your business, it’s going to cost you about 2200?, so like $3100 or so USD. You need to invest at least 3000? into the company and be able to pay about 250? per month to social security, etc. That’s really it. You’d need to find a good niche however, but with your American mindset (the very same that causes all the problems back home) you should be able to come up with something good. The rest of the money would buy you a humble lifestyle while you’re waiting for your business to take off. I’d estimate you can eek out 9-11 months of living on the rest of your savings. But that’s plenty of time my friend! And at least you gave it a shot!

With determination, smarts and a little savings anyone can pull it off. 😊 The point is to get out of LA before you end up crazy and frustrated.


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Recommended reading: working visa (non EU), other visas, jobs in Spain, teaching English (non EU), finding apartments, holidays, mobile/cell phones, NIE cards, gestors.

Posted: 11 October 2007 10:36 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  41
Joined  2007-10-11

what type of business could i start with that little amount of money? i dont understand…

I will be using this company to get my TESOL and they guarentee me job placement in spain to teach with the appropriate papers. Unless you know something I dont, please share!! the company website:

take a look at it and tell me what you think. I would like to understand more about what type of business i could open with so little me it doesnt quite make sense. do you know anything about utilizing a work permit to work another type of job?? lets say I acquired the work visa, can i then find another job instead of just teaching english into which i can make the transition and work??? let me know!! thanks again!!!


Sagar G. Parikh

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Posted: 11 October 2007 10:45 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  1682
Joined  2005-12-05

Oh boy, yeah watch out:

What are we guaranteeing?
  We guarantee to place you in an ESL overseas teaching job within six months.

That doesn’t say in Spain! Of course they can find you a job in Poland and the Czech Republic or China… but you could do that right now without a certificate!

Ten cuidado hombre. 😊

They’re based out of California too, which isn’t a good sign.

If you’re really set on TEFL, go to either International House or Intesolspain. They’re both reputable and good quality. They won’t offer you a guarantee to teach in Spain; no one can. There isn’t a market for Americans where visas are an issue.  Did you read our section on teaching? Particularly the Warning page?

As for businesses, there were some franchising opportunities around the forum here, look those up. Can you write? How are your web skills? Can you consult?

Once you go into business for yourself as an autonomo you can even teach English, legally, and charge more.


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Recommended reading: working visa (non EU), other visas, jobs in Spain, teaching English (non EU), finding apartments, holidays, mobile/cell phones, NIE cards, gestors.

Posted: 13 October 2007 04:57 AM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  35
Joined  2007-07-05

From what I have read, they are quite lenient about the time they give you to start a new business.

As long as you pay the social security contribution of 250 euros or whatever, they will leave you alone.

I assume the 2200Euros is the fees for the lawyer and the company incorporation?

Posted: 15 October 2007 10:14 PM   [ # 7 ]  
Total Posts:  1682
Joined  2005-12-05

Yeah, 2200 or so is what you’ll pay the lawyer for everything.


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Recommended reading: working visa (non EU), other visas, jobs in Spain, teaching English (non EU), finding apartments, holidays, mobile/cell phones, NIE cards, gestors.

Posted: 15 October 2007 11:44 PM   [ # 8 ]  
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The Expatriator - 15 October 2007 10:14 PM

Yeah, 2200 or so is what you’ll pay the lawyer for everything.

Do you have any recommendations for a lawyer who has done this successfully?

I am looking at this with another lawyer, but his quote seems to be double the amount you mention.

Posted: 15 October 2007 11:48 PM   [ # 9 ]  
Total Posts:  1682
Joined  2005-12-05

Where are you in Spain? In Barcelona you can try Sanchez Molina. Strong Abogados is in Barcelona too, but I know they do work throughout Spain.


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Recommended reading: working visa (non EU), other visas, jobs in Spain, teaching English (non EU), finding apartments, holidays, mobile/cell phones, NIE cards, gestors.

Posted: 15 October 2007 11:52 PM   [ # 10 ]  
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The Expatriator - 15 October 2007 11:48 PM

Where are you in Spain? In Barcelona you can try Sanchez Molina. Strong Abogados is in Barcelona too, but I know they do work throughout Spain.

Have you had positive reports from anyone that has used them successfully?

I am not in Spain anymore. I am back in Canada. When I was in Marbella, I spoke to a company called Lawbird. And their quote was higher than what you mentioned.

I think I would be able to work through either of these guys from here. From what I know, I would have to be in my home country to submit the application anyway.

Posted: 16 October 2007 12:06 AM   [ # 11 ]  
Total Posts:  1682
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I can confirm a positive report for Sanchez Molina, and Strong Abogados are just generally awesome people. I know they try to avoid dodgy clients, so if you’re trying to set up a legitimate business then go with them.


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Recommended reading: working visa (non EU), other visas, jobs in Spain, teaching English (non EU), finding apartments, holidays, mobile/cell phones, NIE cards, gestors.

Posted: 16 October 2007 12:41 AM   [ # 12 ]  
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The Expatriator - 16 October 2007 12:06 AM

I can confirm a positive report for Sanchez Molina, and Strong Abogados are just generally awesome people. I know they try to avoid dodgy clients, so if you’re trying to set up a legitimate business then go with them.

OK, thanks. Now, just to confirm, does their service also include dealing the Spanish immigration and getting the visa approved? Or is it only the company formation? I didn’t see anything on their site relating to them have any experience with immigration matters.


Posted: 16 October 2007 12:45 AM   [ # 13 ]  
Total Posts:  1682
Joined  2005-12-05

Whatever I answer could be wrong as I haven’t dealt with them myself. You might as well call them! Let us know how it works out though.


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Recommended reading: working visa (non EU), other visas, jobs in Spain, teaching English (non EU), finding apartments, holidays, mobile/cell phones, NIE cards, gestors.
