How Much Income Is Sufficient
Posted: 09 October 2007 03:08 PM  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2007-10-09

I am looking to retire to Spain ( costa calida ) and will have a yearly pensionable income of 15000 euros. Not taking into account any luxuries i.e. the basics and the necessaries, can anyone guide as to whether this will be enough and if so how comfortably please. Thankyou very much in anticipation of your response,
Mark Hulme

Posted: 11 October 2007 03:25 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2007-10-09

May I ask why 76 people have looked at this post but nobody has bothered to give me an answer. I thought with us all being likeminded people that this would be a friendly community. How wrong I was

Posted: 11 October 2007 04:47 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  38
Joined  2007-07-31

Hola i am moving to spain soon, with wife waiting for house to sell in uk.My
wifes mum/dad/sister, have been living out there for 6 years now i asked them
if they can manage on that amount? They told me they would have no prolbem on managing
on just under that. But you have to remember that it depends on where in spain you are? And
how much you enjoy your home comforts, also if you are going to rent or buy? kind regards

Posted: 11 October 2007 07:51 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  760
Joined  2006-06-27

Hi Mark, I would say that you could live comfortably on that amount which is above many Spanish workers salaries. Given the cheaper food, meals out etc you could have a very good lifestyle. One thing that is dearer is playing golf - which if it is one of your planned hobbies that cost might surprise you but everything else (including taxes) is cheaper by probably around 30%.


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Selling legal property on the Costa Blanca

Posted: 11 October 2007 08:06 PM   [ # 4 ]  
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marcoxl5 - 11 October 2007 03:25 PM

May I ask why 76 people have looked at this post but nobody has bothered to give me an answer. I thought with us all being likeminded people that this would be a friendly community. How wrong I was

Hi Mark, thanks for coming by the site. I’m glad that you took a moment to register and post your question, but your attitude, frankly, sucks; your second post reeks of entitlement issues.

No one is being paid to be here and there’s no obligation for us to post responses to anyone. If you’d taken five minutes to use the search facility of the site you’d see that your question has been mostly answered in other posts. Also note that you posted your question to the wrong forum. Again: take two minutes to do your homework next time.

Otherwise we are, indeed, a friendly bunch.

And please thank brit and Rob for responding.


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Recommended reading: working visa (non EU), other visas, jobs in Spain, teaching English (non EU), finding apartments, holidays, mobile/cell phones, NIE cards, gestors.

Posted: 15 October 2007 03:23 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2007-10-09

Dear administrator,
Regarding attitudes, the phrase including words such as pot and kettle happens to spring to mind. The answers I eventually received were most appreciated and I was willing to continue ( albeit with my very limited knowledge of navigation around this site ) and with a great deal of politeness and friendly attitude as I do on a different ex-pat website. I apologise to the friendly people out their that I have now come to learn do exist on this site, but having received such a `snotty` response from you I will bid you a not so fond farewell and regret ever coming on this site and will continue to discuss my affairs on a site that is much more worthy of my time. Goodbye,
P.S. Who do you think you are telling me to thank respondees as I do recall finishing school some 22 years ago

Posted: 15 October 2007 07:31 PM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  31
Joined  2007-08-27
marcoxl5 - 15 October 2007 03:23 PM

Dear administrator,
Regarding attitudes, the phrase including words such as pot and kettle happens to spring to mind. The answers I eventually received were most appreciated and I was willing to continue ( albeit with my very limited knowledge of navigation around this site ) and with a great deal of politeness and friendly attitude as I do on a different ex-pat website. I apologise to the friendly people out their that I have now come to learn do exist on this site, but having received such a `snotty` response from you I will bid you a not so fond farewell and regret ever coming on this site and will continue to discuss my affairs on a site that is much more worthy of my time. Goodbye,
P.S. Who do you think you are telling me to thank respondees as I do recall finishing school some 22 years ago

To be honest mark, it was what you wrote in that second post, and the administrator was only saying that because your post was very rude dude. baring in mind that the administrator has worked very hard in getting the site where it is now.
im not having a go im only saying!

marcoxl5 - 15 October 2007 03:23 PM

P.S. Who do you think you are telling me to thank respondees as I do recall finishing school some 22 years ago

maybe you need to act like you actually did finishschool some 22 years ago.

this site is good and your time is worthy on here!



“The Young Ex-Pat”

Posted: 15 October 2007 07:42 PM   [ # 7 ]  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2007-10-09

Please get your facts right ‘dude’ ( how crass ) If I had known, rather than given up on the post, of the responses received I would most certainly have thanked them as I do on all other forums. What I am saying is YOU DO NOT TELL ME TO USE MY MANNERS. Talking of manners, I regard a lack of prompted communication to be very rude and that is why I wrote my second post. There does seem to be an extensive portrayal of childishness here and it is certainly not coming from me.

Posted: 15 October 2007 07:47 PM   [ # 8 ]  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2007-10-09

Now that I have said my piece I would actually like to say thanks very much to Rob and Brit for your most appreciated information and please don’t think of me to be a loathsome person, I just get quite incensed once provoked,

Posted: 15 October 2007 07:58 PM   [ # 9 ]  
Total Posts:  31
Joined  2007-08-27

theres no need being like that MARK.

purely pathetic

anyways all the best moving to spain dude! hope it all works out for you.



“The Young Ex-Pat”

Posted: 15 October 2007 09:55 PM   [ # 10 ]  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2007-10-09

I shall tell you what is pathetic shall I ? Your ‘wrapping antagonism inside a loosely veiled diplomatic response’. If you did not add something abusive to every reply then this topic would have been ended a long time ago.  If you then come back with a similar attitude then I will feel it necessary to carry on in the same vein. I am prepared to bury the hatchet and leave gracefully but you seem to be preventing this from happening

Posted: 18 October 2007 08:09 PM   [ # 11 ]  
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2007-10-18

Wow! What sort of forum have I signed up for here?

Answer this within 1 hour or I’ll have to let you know what I really think….😊

edit: Second thoughts forget it, I don’t want a fatwah issued in my name.

But seriously, I’m hoping and most indicators are, that this is a friendly informational forum. My wife and I are looking at possible retirement in Spain in the next year or two and friendly feedback (research) is really important to us.


You are who you pretend to be.
Kurt Vonnegut Jnr.

Posted: 18 October 2007 08:47 PM   [ # 12 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  28
Joined  2007-07-14

Hi to Scouse,
This is indeed a great site and you can get plenty of good response from people who will go out of their way to help you.
One person actually took time out to ask a chemist about medication I had enquired about.
The only problem is that some people are quite impatient and give up but generally you will get a reply if someone knows the answer.  I am still waiting for a couple from about 3 weeks ago but someone will reply eventually,  no one has to post anything really but then the reading of all the other posts is great so don’t get disheartened.



Posted: 18 October 2007 09:17 PM   [ # 13 ]  
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2007-10-18

Thanks for that Dan?  ,I was joking of course.  I could already tell that this site and the people in it (For the most part) are a cheerful, helpful bunch. Otherwise I’d have just left quietly.
We haven’t fully decided on Spain but what I’m seeing just in this website is certainly encouraging.

Last time I visited Spain. Ibiza, Casteldefels and Sitges. They were sleepy backwaters in time and quite beautiful. Ibiza was donkey carts, small simple home style motels and the only cars seemed to be about 6 taxis, all driven by some helpful person named Pepe’.  I wonder if I need to adjust my thinking..😊

We, my wife and I, plan an extended holiday fairly soon to get a realistic idea of what life would be like for us. She, a bloody yank. Me a scouse houligan!!!!

Thanks again.



You are who you pretend to be.
Kurt Vonnegut Jnr.
