Solar Electric
Posted: 06 June 2007 08:24 PM  
Just Landed
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Has anyone got solar electric, if so how much does it cost and what will it run.  Also the name of company you used as we are going to be buying something that will only run off solar.

Posted: 07 June 2007 01:20 PM   [ # 1 ]  
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Hi Jillm,

What kind of device is that? 

I have never heard of anything that will only run on Solar, but if that is your only option, try speaking to Ferrosol, and see if you can get a free quote. They have an English-speaking rep called Sean, who lives near me in Cuevas del Campo Tel: 629 569214 and mention my name (Alan).

Solar Electrical Systems don’t provide direct power to appliances - they usually work by charging a bank of batteries, which are then used to generate mains voltages via an electronic device called an Inverter, but better results can be obtained by using as much 12 volt equipment as possible (such as TV’s, Fridges and Lighting) which run off the batteries, without going through the Inverter.  Solar Water Panels can provide hot water, which also reduces your dependance on Solar Electricity.

Solar is quite expensive compared to mains electricity, and the expensive part - the panels - will need to be replaced eventually, so you need to balance quality against time-span.  For example, don’t pay a premium for a 25 year guarantee if there are plans to bring mains electricity to your location in 2 years time.

Always best to consider adding a backup generator to the system, and if you have neighbours without mains electricity, you can cut costs with a group project.

Hope this helps, but I would love to know what you have that only runs on Solar!


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Posted: 07 June 2007 02:28 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Just Landed
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Joined  2007-04-27

I recently got the quotation of solar system for our house(we don’t have main electricity).
6 solar panels , bettary (storage for 7 days) , labor fee, other application = around euro 20,000


Posted: 11 June 2007 10:59 AM   [ # 3 ]  
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joanneari - 07 June 2007 02:28 PM

I recently got the quotation of solar system for our house(we don’t have main electricity).
6 solar panels , bettary (storage for 7 days) , labor fee, other application = around euro 20,000


You can get a Small Solar System complete for about 9,000? 3KW per day, coupled with a small diesel generator this will run a 2/3 bedroom house normally, with the generator being used to run Washing machine, pool pump etc, and at same time topping up chrge in Batteries,
A 5KW per day system would be 15,000? and would run a 3/4 bedroom house with little or no inconvenience, couple that withan autostart generator 5KVA for about 2500? and you will not even know you are on Solar Powered Electricity,

3KW system would be 4 Panels 165W and Solar regulator plus 770AH battery bank with 3KW inverter Installed

5KW system would be 6 Panels 165W Solar Regulator plus 963AH battery bank with 3 KW inverter installed.

The real key to this is what are you intending to run ,, and when, then once you have an energy survey, getting a system to match your need and level of input into system management that you want, For 20,000? you should have a big enough system never to give you a problem.

The note above about guarantees is perhaps unfair, as should you get connected to the mains and have already made the investment in Solar, you could still get the benefit of the Solar energy input for years to come and only use the mains as a backup instead of the generator, 
Careful thought and planning is always needed when investing this amount of money!!



Posted: 12 June 2007 07:46 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  760
Joined  2006-06-27

I understand (although do not have personal experience) that certain approved solar systems may be eligible for a government grant - details probably available from town halls.


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Posted: 12 June 2007 09:19 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  156
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Yep, conditional,
There is an amount of money available each year for grants to aid the installation of renewable energies,  However this is a fixed amount and open only for a period of time, trying to get this information without inside knowledge has been almost impossible.
There is a dept in the regional Government that deals with it, I have now employed a Gestor who is going to specialise in this subject, so we will see!
If I see any movement at all I will let you know.



Posted: 24 July 2007 12:28 AM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  156
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My Gestor, informs me that he has tried to communicate with the department in Murcia which deals with this, but is advised that he has to wait, will keep trying



Posted: 21 September 2007 07:45 AM   [ # 7 ]  
Total Posts:  156
Joined  2007-06-11

Just an update, absolutely no progress at all, I have been informed that this is due to the Aug holidays etc,, Anyway I have tried to pressurize for some info but not gettig very far, problem seems to be getting info on next window, or the procedure from the Ayuntamiento, (lot of being passed from desk to desk!!)



Posted: 03 November 2007 01:52 AM   [ # 8 ]  
Total Posts:  37
Joined  2007-07-10

Thanks for your updates Mike - when you have news let us know


Posted: 03 November 2007 01:36 PM   [ # 9 ]  
Total Posts:  156
Joined  2007-06-11

Ha,, Interestingley.
I have now looked at the procedure , and have had my Spanish Colleague, go thru the attached for Murcia,

He basically says, that there is virtually no chance of getting a grant, because, the system requires a lot of pre work which will be mostly incomprehensible or unobtainable, The window of opportunity only opens in a defined period and you have to know when that period is, (and apparently nobody notifies you, you just have to “KNOW”). and more importantly you have to be connected!!, (which probably means the developers and banks have the local contacts that ensure that they get the lions share.

So from what I can understand the grants are available just near impossible on an indivual basis except for a very dedicated determined person, (who is fluent in Espanol). My Colleague, seems to think that I would be wasting my time and effort. Should anyone have a better idea or understanding I would be very interested.

See here





Posted: 03 November 2007 02:27 PM   [ # 10 ]  
Total Posts:  37
Joined  2007-07-10

Thanks Mike.

here in italy these government incentives are usually pubblicised by ones own tax assistants or account companies, and this is obviously helpful for businesses.

I have been online looking at (rustic) houses/fincas in the catalonia region and many if not most have solar energy which surprised me only becasue it is so scarce here in italy (the enrgy bit, not the solar lol) whilst it seems very developed over there. Is this because there is no other way of getting your energy in these places (which didnt seem to be that remote) or is it because infact the spaniards are well ahead of the italians in ‘green’ energy consumption?

Also, it is known (I think) that solar pannels need to be changed after x amount of years (20?) and does this mean respending 20000 euro (if for the larger 4 bed home)? Basically, if one would invest in a 20000euro solar energy ‘kit’ how long will it last (and how much more money) until you need to spend more on restoreing it?

Thanks again


Posted: 19 November 2007 12:48 PM   [ # 11 ]  
Total Posts:  156
Joined  2007-06-11

The main reason for growth in Solar development in Spain, is the government committment both in incentives and legislation.  Albeit for the individual it may be difficult but not impossible, Legislation now make it a legal requirement on all newbuilds and reforms to install a percent of Solar or renewable to be more correct energy. Water being the most common form of compliance at the moment. Electrical seems to be split into two areas, industrial sized production with Solar and wind farms now becoming quite common, again based on the forced incentive of power buy back by the grid supplier. The other area as you said is in the supply of power to remote homes, or houses where by choice non grid supplied/power is needed/wanted.

Todays technology on Solar electric systems is both sophisticate and relatively trouble free, a carefully designed system with suitable generator support can supply household needs with all the convenience of a grid supply with little input from the user other than to ensure the now fairly simple maintenenace routinces are carried out.

Generally speaking PV panels now have a guarantee of 25 years power production at 95%+ efficiency with total lifetime expectation in excess of this, Electronics have moved on a long way and I would doubt that if the system is properly designed and installed that there would be any problems.
Batteries would be the issue I guess over the long term with some of the best guarantees being on 10 years with a stated life expectancy of 15 years (IE Rolls).

Certainly in the system funding and ROI one needs to factor in these figures to obtain the true cost of the system over a say 25 year period. However it should be also taken into account that grid supply power has and continues to rise sharply in cost.


