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Latin Americans in Spain..
Posted: 30 November 2007 10:36 PM   [ # 16 ]  
Total Posts:  32
Joined  2006-07-04

Ok, I’ll keep that in mind. Is there anything wrong with Punta Santiago?

Posted: 30 November 2007 11:10 PM   [ # 17 ]  
Total Posts:  86
Joined  2007-07-09

There is nothing wrong with the Punta Santiago Beach. Actually Punta Santiago is a Public Beach or Balneario Publico like they call it over there. All that i know off is that there are some villas there run by the Government mainly for low Income people that want to go on a beach vacation. Palmas del Mar like i said before is a Luxury enclosed resort community. I think mainly it all depends on your budget and what kind of vacation you want. If you want a luxury vacation in a beautiful place then i suggest Palmas if you want to have a regular vacation then rent anywhere. Now if you want a vacation to completely disconnect form the world and Enjoy the best beaches in the world i Suggest you look into Vieques or Culebra islands which are easily connected by a 1 hour ferry and this 2 islands are Municipalities of Puerto rico so you are not leaving the country. Remember Puerto rico is not the Dominican Republic all inclusive cheap travel packages like you guys are use to in Spain. Puerto Rico is consider in the caribbean to be a high end destination in comparison.

Posted: 01 December 2007 12:16 AM   [ # 18 ]  
Total Posts:  32
Joined  2006-07-04

We had thought about Culebra or Vieques, the only problem was getting everyone there was going to be a bit tricky because of transportation. we hope to take a day trip to one of them. We’re really looking forward to this trip. Thanks for your suggestions.

Posted: 04 December 2007 05:35 PM   [ # 19 ]  
Total Posts:  44
Joined  2007-12-04
Rigoberto - 17 November 2007 01:43 AM

...... all my ancestors were from Asturias and Catalunya respectively. .......... From what I’m told we sound like Canary islanders, and they allegedly have the same words like, “boberia” which we use often. Is there any validity to this?

As you ancestors are from Spain, you may be eligible to the Spanish citizenship. It can be useful to have an EU citizenship for work purpose, or relocation.

I am italian and live in the Canary Islands. Cuban and Canary islanders speak almost the same so it is not easy to establish a difference. Many (A LOT) Canarians emigrated to Cuba in the past, so there are cultural and architectural roots.

The word boberia is used in the penisula as well. A real difference is with the word “guagua” (Canary) with “autobus” in the mainland, to mention just one.

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