International Schools - Seville
Posted: 23 September 2006 09:56 AM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2006-09-23

I am looking to move to Seville with my family. Can anybody give advice or information on Intl Schools in Seville ?

Posted: 25 September 2006 02:12 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  1682
Joined  2005-12-05

Hi Mark1,
I checked around and didn’t find a hell of a lot of good info on international schools in Sevilla specifically, as it would seem that most of the international schools in Andalucia are concentrated in M?laga. Did you see our page on schools in Spain? There are some good links on there, but hopefully someone on the site here will have some better info and advice for you.


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Posted: 11 October 2006 08:21 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  7
Joined  2006-10-05

😊 Hi i found Europa International School on the internet there website looked ok. There are schools in Sevilla that have teaching done in English and Spanish.
I am moving to Sevilla in March 07,i am feel there would be no problem for children to learn English and Spanish in most schools there.  :lol:

Posted: 16 October 2006 01:34 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  15
Joined  2006-09-04

There is a very god international school in Jerez around half hour from Seville if that helps.

Posted: 19 October 2006 02:17 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2006-10-19

hi Mark1 - just wondered what you found out? We too are looking to move to Seville with our family - our two girls are only 1 and a half and three years tho - my husband and I are currently living in Valencia - we came in Sept and it really isn’t the city for us - we also would appreciate any help and advice with relcoating - thanks Sara

Posted: 03 November 2006 07:18 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2006-11-02

Hi Mark1 and Saravarennes,

We are also considering moving to Seville in March 2007.  Our children are 10, 5 and 3 and so we need a good international school.  What have you found?  I googled ‘international school in Jerez’, but could not find much useful.  I would be grateful to hear what you have found!


Posted: 04 November 2006 04:08 AM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2006-11-02
Saravarennes - 19 October 2006 02:17 PM

hi Mark1 - just wondered what you found out? We too are looking to move to Seville with our family - our two girls are only 1 and a half and three years tho - my husband and I are currently living in Valencia - we came in Sept and it really isn’t the city for us - we also would appreciate any help and advice with relcoating - thanks Sara

Hi Sara, my name is Irene and I have just arrived in Spain about a month ago. I’m not a UK national but speak very good English, living in Valencia and meanwhile looking for a job. I can see in your posting on this forum that you and your family is about to move ffrom this place soon. I was just wondering whether you’d need any assistance in the household or child care while you are looking forward for better life perspective in Spain. Thanks in advance… Irene

Posted: 21 January 2011 11:09 PM   [ # 7 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2011-01-21

I have been trying to register my children for public school in Seville and it has not been as easy as I had hoped.  In fact, a total bureaucratic hassle.  We have been working on it for almost two weeks.  We are only here for two months.

I want my children in public schools (ages 12, 4, 3).  My advice is to work both on the level of the closest public schools to your residence while also dealing with the “school district” offices.  To begin, you will need to “empadronarse” (to become a resident of your neighborhood) at the closest Ayuntamiento.  For this you will need passports, birth certificates, and a rental contract).  The process takes 10 days but you can register your children for school once your application is submitted (while final approval is still pending). 

While working on that process you will also need to go to the Delegaci?n Provincial de Sevilla Ronda del Tamarguillo, s/n
41005 Sevilla Tlfno: (0034) 955034200/01/02.  There you will complete applications for each child ages 4 and up.  It takes several days for them to call you back and let you know which schools have spots and in our case the spots were about a 40 minute walk from our house.  Once you confirm which school you prefer, they will complete an authorization which you need to collect from their offices and present at the local school. 

In my case, I did not like the schools they selected, so I asked at the Delegacion for a particular school that I had seen closer to our residence.  They checked and there was in fact a spot available.  This is why I would also be in communication with local schools—I also sense they can sometimes cut through the red tape for you. 

This is as far as we have gotten.  Once you have your approval form, I have been told that there is another registration process at the local school.  Some (but not all, it seems)  will ask for copies of immunization records. 

In the case of our younger child, spots at the public or mixed public/private guarderias are very hard to come by.  at the Delegacion Provicinial de Sevilla there is a separate office/window for escuelas infantiles where they can give you a computer print out of schools where there are supposedly spots.  However the print outs I received did not have correct information and there were no spots available at the sites they suggested to me.  For the youngest we are looking at private guarderias which cost about 180 Euros a month and much less red tape and more availability.  We may also consider sending our 4 year old to a private guarderia if we fail to matriculate him in the public school. 

I still think that it is a distinct possibility that after all of this we will ultimately fail to successfully register our children.  If we were here more time, or arrived before the beginning of the school year, we might have had better luck.

I post this because I would have desperately liked to have known all of this before we arrived.
