Schools in Benalmadena
Posted: 02 February 2008 01:43 AM  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2008-02-02


I am thinking of relocating to Benalmadena in July with my 11yr old daughter. I have just returned from a trip there and loved everything about it, the only concerns i have are the schools for my daughter. I had a meeting with a real estste agent while i was there and she informed me that i should prepare myself for my daughter to be bullied for the first six months…naturally i was horrified!!!! I have had also had positive reactions to the schools and was just wondering if anyone could give me any advice on experiences they have had with the Spanish schools. we were looking at buying a business in Benalmadena but are now thinking of just relocating and working for six months to see if my daughter settles before we totally commit.


Posted: 02 February 2008 08:41 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

1 put her in spanish school your daughter to be bullied for the first six months,,,, Nice real estste agent and your going to buy for them .....?
2 buy a bussines give me a shot and i fill you in on that yes i will

Posted: 02 February 2008 10:08 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2008-02-02


Yeah thats what i thought when she told me about the bullying. I am definitely looking at putting her into a spanish state shool. We are visiting again in March so hopefully i can arrange for her to meet some English children who are already in school and they can tell her what to expect. I met some other real estate agents who also told me she was talking rubbish but when its your child its worrying. I would be very grateful for any advice you can give me on buying a business.


Posted: 10 February 2008 04:56 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  20
Joined  2007-08-22

Hi Jaydee

I have four girls aged 15, 13, 11 and 10.  We moved in May 07. 

Our eldest attended an international school for 6 weeks but asked if she could go to the local school, mainly due to the long hours as we live a good 1 1/2 hours away and the fact that she felt she was mixing in well with the local children.

After much discussions we decided she could and to be honest all our girls have settled in well at the local schools.  They all have made some fantastic friends and are really enjoying school.  Their exam results in December were a real credit to them…  I am so proud of them as the thought of sitting in a room 5 days a week doing lessons in a language you don’t really know takes some doing.  They are all nearly fluent in speaking and they are all now dcing the same work as their spanish friends and getting similar results in exams as them.

I have posted before and my advice is that no two children are the same.  Look at various schools and re International schools can you afford the fees etc.  I must say in the long run it would have stretched us financially… 

It wasn’t really a clever comment to make from your estate agaent really…. Talk about making you feel comfortable.  Our main concern was our children when moving over here and if someone had made that comment to me I would have freaked out.  Ours has been a really positive experience and the life style is amazing.  Our village is so very family orientated and our girls have so much freedom to what they had in the UK..  Hope your visit in March is a productive one and if I can be of any help just e-mail me.

