I remember back in 2003 when the war began, I was in my first year of college. All of a sudden CGT signs started appearing all over campus saying “Yankees GO HOME!” I immediately complained to the administration on the grounds that I was a paying student and didn’t need the discrimination. The next day the signs were down.
I took a lot of flak for not striking with the other students agaisnt the war. I have two brothers in the Air Force and countless cousins in the Army. Even though I didn’t agree with the war, I had to support my family.
I don’t agree with the blanket statement that Europeans are hostile towards Americans. Europeans don’t like the American Administration or the effect that it has had on their countries and economies in the last years. This is like saying Americans are hostile towards Germans or Russians because of past wars. Come on already!!!
On a one to one level there is no problem. In fact, most of my friends and coworkers forget the fact that I’m a southern belle, despite the blond hair, blue eyes and white as a fish skin. I speak Spanish fluently, I hang out with them and do things like them and I’m just another one of the gang.
Yes, they tend to ask impertinent questions about the US, but think it through- they’re just trying to connect with you or impress you by how much they know about your country.
Think what your American friends ask you when you return for a visit: So do y’all eat a lot of tacos over there? I bet y’all get tired of always wearing flamenco dresses? People are ignorant about cultures they don’t know.
Hey and whoever is making comments about being a redneck- cut it out. I’m born and bred in Dixie and proud of it! Best place on earth after Andalusia