Can an American get a teaching job before moving to Spain?
Posted: 29 February 2008 01:56 PM  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2008-02-20

Hi! I am moving to Spain this summer.  I’ve been looking for a job, but constantly run into “EU passport holder.” I’m qualified and experienced.  Is it possible to get a job in Spain before moving there?  Any advice?


Emmy e 😜

Posted: 04 March 2008 11:08 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2008-02-15

Hello Tourist!!!
It is not possible to get a job in Spain without being in a legal situation.
To live in a legal position in Spain a foreigner needs a residence permit which can be for provisional (for more than ninety days and less than five years) or permanent residence (unlimited). To obtain a permanent residence permit a foreigner must have lived in Spain for five years (continuously).
To obtain a residence permit the applicant needs to be in one of the following positions: S/he intends to stay in Spain without being economically active, proves to have enough economic means available to provide for food and lodging expenses and, when applicable, those of her/his family; s/he intends to carry out an economic activity as self-employed; s/he has a work offer and intends to carry out an economic activity as a salaried employee; s/he has the right of family reunion. S/he also needs to demonstrate absence of criminal record in Spain and in the previous residence countries for facts which are considered crimes in Spain.
A permanent residence permits entitles a foreigner to enjoy the same work conditions as a Spaniard. With possession of a residence permit a migrant is in the position to enjoy all the rights and freedoms recognised in the Law 8/2000, which amended Law 4/2000, on the Rights and Freedoms of aliens in Spain and their social integration, among them the right to education, to medical aid and to assistance for housing. A crucial point of the emendation of Law 4/2000 is that only foreigners in a regular situation can enjoy all these rights, the same way a Spaniard does. Foreigners who don’t have a regular residence permit have limited rights. In particular:
Education: article 27 of the Spanish Constitution affirms that everyone has the right to education. The aim of this provision is to enable the full development of the human personality in respect for the democratic principles of coexistence and the basic rights and liberties, without mentioning any difference between Spaniards and aliens. On the other hand, Article 9 of the Law 8/2000 however states that all foreigners, independently on their legal situacion, just have the right to the basic compulsory education.
Health care: in emergencies, all foreigners (including those who do not have a permit of stay or residence permit) have access to the emergency public health care, until the patient is discharged. Pregnant women have access to health care systems during pregnancy, birth and during their lying-in.
Assistance for Housing: it is recognised only to foreigners with a regular residence permit. For foreigners who are not in a regular position there are government-established temporary residence facilities (CETI: “Centro Estancia Temporal de Inmigrantes”, The Center for the Temporary Residence of Immigrants) where they should have access to food, water, sanitary facilities, or medical care. They usually host refugees or asylum seekers which are waiting for a regularisation of their status in Spain. Documented sources, however, report that advertisements concerning rental of private property sometimes exclude certain categories of persons, such as Roma/Gypsies or foreigners, from applying. It has also been reported that, when property is actually rented to these categories of persons, discriminatory conditions, notably higher rent, are in many cases applied to them.
Social Security and social services: only foreigners in a regular situation have the right to Social Security and social services under the same conditions as Spaniards; all foreigners have the right to basic social services and benefits.
(More info in lawyerinspain dot com) very useful

Posted: 05 March 2008 02:45 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2008-02-20

Thanks for the info.  Very helpful but one question remains.  Is it more common to just “up and move to spain” then apply for jobs or get a job offer before coming for non EU passport holders?


Emmy e 😜

Posted: 07 March 2008 04:23 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  36
Joined  2007-11-13

It is always much more easy to get a job in any country if you have settled down and have a proper address.  I would certainly not hire anyone if the person not were able to show up in person, would you ? Here on Costa del Sol is it even more essential to show that you are serious with your intention to stay because we are used to a lot of “gold diggers” every month.  To be here and have an address is even more essential than to speak Spanish. The fact is that it can be hard to find the job you really want in the beginning, but it’s not difficult to find a more simple job.

I have learned that the expats here don’t really thrust a newcomer during the first year, you are simply just seen as a tourist. And the Spaniards are maybe even harder, specially in some areas.

My advice is: Rent a flat and take any job to get in to the system, learn Spanish,  when you feel comfortable with the way it works here, apply for a better job. Do not buy any property before you really know that you like the surroundings.

Best regards from a sunny Costa del Sol,


Jonny Erixon

Posted: 07 March 2008 09:51 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

becareful off give money to any company in Usa that is selling you tefl coruse and will find you a job in spain .....
i have come across few company that be give bad rep

Posted: 05 April 2008 03:00 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2008-02-20

Thank you
You ALL have been so helpful.  In light of everything it looks like I will postpone coming for a few months to build up the cash box.
Thanks again!!


Emmy e 😜
