Where are all the Expats in Costa de la Luz???
Posted: 10 March 2008 03:54 PM  
Total Posts:  5
Joined  2008-03-10

Hi all,

Is anyone able to tell me the more popular areas in which British Expats settle in the Costa de la Luz (Huelva or Cadiz)?? i.e. where are the larger Expat communities, either coastal or inland.

Any information would be gratefully received.

Many thanks,


Posted: 16 April 2008 03:00 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  22
Joined  2008-04-16

In Cadiz province, there are over 1000 Brits in Chiclana and more in the coastal villages to the south, especially Conil and Zahara.  Inland, Vejer de la Frontera and Medina Sidonia are increasingly popular. 

Don’t know about Huelva, sorry.


Forget the rat race, join the human race

Posted: 17 April 2008 12:53 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  27
Joined  2006-09-15

I know its at the far end, but there is a massive ex-pat community in Costa Esuri and Ayamonte…...
