Are there any Americans who have been living and working in Seville?
Posted: 19 April 2008 06:47 PM  
Total Posts:  10
Joined  2008-03-18

Hello everyone,

I?ve been working and living in Seville for about 4 years now.  I continue to live here because my boyfriend is Spanish.  We are planning to get married and I have been doing some serious thinking about it all.  I?ve read lots of messages from people who are living in Spain not just in Seville.  I really like living in Spain but I too get that feeling of being left out or treated differently, and it makes me feel very uncomfortable.  I?m originally from Chicago, ILL.  I?m so used to people talking to each other and just being oepn and friendly.  In Chicago when you make eye contact with someone we usually say hello, even if you don?t know who the person is.  Here in Spain, especially Seville, it?s totally the opposite.  I basically feel a bit sad here.  I can?t find anyone who I can really talk to and those that I have found have left Seville because they didn?t like living here.  That includes Spaniards from other parts of Spain too.  I don?t know if there are any Americans living and working here who I can make contact with, it would be a relief to meet someone who I can relate to.  I don?t usually talk polotics with the Spanish.  If they try the topic with me I just make a quick joke in Spanish and blow off the topic.  I?m always calling Chicago to talk to my Mom and siters, they keep me going.  Anyone out there have any advice or comments.  Feeling blue…

Posted: 19 April 2008 09:10 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

well i am no Dr Ruth , but you do love him that why you been with him for fours years now , as i can make out your post
uncomfortable well you are a blow in , like me aswell here in Elche Alicante , yes i am in the Middle off the spanish people here
No girlfreind , “Free at this time ”  but have been few relationships nothing that got me going , was get married but did work out , she one off my best freinds now
and she was over last year to me for few days , we chilled out , but that was bech in Ireland long time ago

You need to get few english freinds in Seville why not head out to night to one off the irish bars in town like pflaherty Irish Pub Flaherty?s in Sevilla combines a balanced mix of local and tourist clientelle which makes it the number one spot in Sevilla for meeting new people or having a pint with new and old friends.

alwas meet Usa heads and maily english Speaking heads there
well if wantmy msn i pm you

hope i help out there

Posted: 20 April 2008 12:57 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2008-04-20


Seriously, i just read your post and really felt for you.

I lived in Sevilla for 4 years, moved home to the USA(Florida) last year and have been here for a year.

I teach Spanish I at a local high school…...

Long story short, I am moving BACK to sevilla in june(my husband in may).  My husband is from Argentina and is a Spanish resident(we met in Sevilla like you and your boyfriend).

I am so freaked out to move back to sevilla and start over again.  And i know how it feels to feel like you have no one to talk to….....

but let me tell you, moving home to the USA isn’t easy at all.  It turned out that my husband and i just don’t fit in here….

i don’t really know what to say, but your post actually comforted me….you know, that i can totally relate to you.

I am only 25 and feel so freaked out about starting over in june when i move back to sevilla.

i hope this email finds you well.

and who knows? maybe my thoughts can comfort you a little.
maybe we will run into one another…...

Posted: 20 April 2008 05:00 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  10
Joined  2008-03-18

Hi jenniferannwalker,

It has been raining a lot in Spain for the last two weeks.  I?ve have been home doing a lot of thinking.  I have called some of my good friends who don?t live in Spain and talking to them has helped.  But getting your message has helped me even more, because I have been seriously thinking about going back to the States.  This has been on my mind a lot lately, but trying to think it through carefully.  When you said that you and your husband haven?t found your place there—that made me think again.  Just receiving your message made me feel much better.  I think that it?s very important for us to speak up or speak out and not keep things to ourselves because we—by communicating may find others who are going through the same thing or have experience which can help a lot.  So I found your message comforting to know that their is someone out there going through the same thing.  I think for now my boyfriend and I are going to stay in Seville.  I?m gonna get out there and try to meet more people.  I have met people but they have gone back to the States, etc.  Hey I?m not going anywhere for now, so when you get here let me know.  I?ll be happy to assist you in any way that I can, even if you just want to have a cup of coffee. 😊  Thanks again for your message.

Posted: 21 April 2008 09:56 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  115
Joined  2008-04-10

Hey try out Fundacion ABRE in Santiponce.  My parents run a Christian seminar there and there are always lots of Americans around.  I live in M?laga now, but my parents have been in Espartinas for 10 years.  They know tons of other Americans.  just get the phone number from and ask for Chris or Beth Matthews.  I’m sure they’ll have you over for a meal.


A word is dead when it is said, some say.  I say it just begins to live that day.
-Emily Dickinson

Posted: 22 April 2008 04:33 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  10
Joined  2008-03-18

Hi Rubi995,

Thanks for the tip!

Posted: 23 April 2008 06:58 PM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  115
Joined  2008-04-10

Hey No problem.  I’m actually going to visit them this weekend, if you want to try and meet. 



A word is dead when it is said, some say.  I say it just begins to live that day.
-Emily Dickinson

Posted: 16 May 2008 04:31 PM   [ # 7 ]  
Total Posts:  10
Joined  2008-03-18

Hi everyone,

I think I might have a solution.  We might have to move to Madrid.  As it is a big city and I come from a big city, I just might get on better there than I do in Seville.  The job market there looks way better than it does here in Seville for my boyfriend and myself.  So we shall see…  Regards to everyone.
