No but I would say be careful - Turkey is not an EU member country and I have heard there are problems with freehold legalities so you need to do a lot of research.
The following info will need verifying for its current validity:
How difficult is the property purchase process in Turkey?
Foreign ownership in Turkey is ruled by the reciprocity principle. Citizens of countries that allow Turkish citizens or legal entities to own property in their country are allowed to acquire property in Turkey. Citizens of most EU countries (except for Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic and Slovakia), the United States, Canada and other countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa can freely purchase properties in Turkey.
Foreign nationals also face restrictions on acquiring properties within municipal areas with less than 2000 registered inhabitants (article 87 of Village Act).Foreigners are also not allowed to purchase properties in the confines of military zones (Military Prohibited and Security Areas Act).
On 07 January 2006, a new law was enacted which put a limit to the amount of land that a foreigner can purchase. Foreigners are allowed to acquire a maximum of 30 hectares (74 acres) of real estate. Any piece of land exceeding 30 hectares requires a permit from the Turkish authorities.
Do the research!!