Hello everyone,
I?ve been working and living in Seville for about 4 years now. I continue to live here because my boyfriend is Spanish. We are planning to get married and I have been doing some serious thinking about it all. I?ve read lots of messages from people who are living in Spain not just in Seville. I really like living in Spain but I too get that feeling of being left out or treated differently, and it makes me feel very uncomfortable. I?m originally from Chicago, ILL. I?m so used to people talking to each other and just being oepn and friendly. In Chicago when you make eye contact with someone we usually say hello, even if you don?t know who the person is. Here in Spain, especially Seville, it?s totally the opposite. I basically feel a bit sad here. I can?t find anyone who I can really talk to and those that I have found have left Seville because they didn?t like living here. That includes Spaniards from other parts of Spain too. I don?t know if there are any Americans living and working here who I can make contact with, it would be a relief to meet someone who I can relate to. I don?t usually talk polotics with the Spanish. If they try the topic with me I just make a quick joke in Spanish and blow off the topic. I?m always calling Chicago to talk to my Mom and siters, they keep me going. Anyone out there have any advice or comments. Feeling blue…