best way to move the cat?
Posted: 03 June 2008 08:20 PM  
Total Posts:  306
Joined  2007-09-24

Hi there,

I would welcome anybody’s advice or suggestions on the best way to transport our cat when we move to the Costa Blanca in January.

The two of us are (probably) driving down via the long ferry route, so we could take the cat with us that way.  I looked on the P&O;site but couldnt’ find a clear answer as to whether the cat carrier could be brought up to the cabin or not?  It seems a bit horrid if he has to stay in his box, in the car, for the whole crossing (especially given that will be followed by another 8 hr or so drive next day down to the costa).

Or we could fly him out - my Mum is bringing the girls out by plane, if he needs to be accompanied, I havent started to look in to comparative costs or anything yet but my main concern is welfare - I have heard pets go in the hold, wont this be just too cold in January, and I also read they may be sedated for travel.  Is this kind, or dangerous?  And do they need to go on a flight with a human as baggage, or can they be unaccompanied (baggage..?)

I would love to hear from anyone who has transported their animals - hopefully happily and successfully - from the UK to Spain!

We are in the process of sorting out the vaccinations and PET passport etc, its the logistical questions that are bugging me right now,



Posted: 04 June 2008 04:13 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  303
Joined  2006-03-16

How old is your cat, Cazz?  Mine is nearly twenty and I wouldn’t subject her to an international move.  I have to wait for her to die before I can consider living in Spain full-time!  Some friends of mine brought two (young) Granadan cats back to the UK in a transit van with no ill-effects, and elsewhere on this forum (sorry, couldn’t find it in a brief trawl just now) someone reports their cat was fine with sedation and a flight in the hold. Your vet should be able to give you comprehensive advice.  Good luck.


Martin, Scotland and the Alpujarra.

Posted: 04 June 2008 05:47 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  306
Joined  2007-09-24

Thanks for your reply Martin, my cat is a lively 5 year old who I think will adjust well to a new life in the sun, he just hates car journeys and his carrier etc.  I will discuss with the vet this week when we embark on the first of the horrendously expensive rabies shots.

That’s so sweet and lovely about your old dear, she must have a very contented life where she is now and however long remains of it I am sure it will be of the greatest possible care and quality, safe in her familiar home,



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