Picket dies in Granada.
Posted: 12 June 2008 04:00 AM  
Total Posts:  818
Joined  2006-06-15

Its all over the news of course, but heres my take on things in general…

The death of Julio Cervilla Sojo, a 47 year old haulier from Albolote (Granada) whilst on picket duty is to be deeply regretted. Truck drivers here as in most of Europe are, for the most part, the gentlemen of the road. Their efforts are largely unrewarded, their work goes un-noticed most of the time and they are generally accepted as just part of the scenery. There comes a time however when go slows and protests are no longer enough. Self employed or company drivers, the fact is that they are underpaid and under-rated, a valuable part of the community. Recent price hikes in the cost of diesel, the lifeblood of these troopers is driving many to the wall.
Perishable goods have all but gone from the major supermarkets like Carrefour, Mercadona and Alcampo. Panic buying doesnt seem to be as bad here as in the UK, but undeniably the strike is hitting home, very quickly.
Whilst I, like all customers, regret that strike action has been taken, if this is the only way to bring home to those in power in the EU the way things really are for the common people, I fully understand the reasoning and back the drivers 100%.


Help desperately needed


Posted: 12 June 2008 10:40 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  1682
Joined  2005-12-05

Hi Foxbat, call me ignorant but I’ve been busy lately and not kept up with the news. Why are they protesting? Can they not just raise their rates in proportion to the increase in fuel costs?

How did Julio die?


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Posted: 12 June 2008 01:35 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

killed by a van as he manned a picket line in the southern city of Granada
