Irresponsible to move teenagers
Posted: 11 July 2008 10:30 PM  
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The Expatriator - 09 July 2008 09:29 PM

To say it’s “very irresponsible” to relocate children at that age is clearly an unwarranted generalization.


Sorry, but i find any person who believes in putting there own needs before the education and welfare of there children irresponsible.

Simply assuming your child at say 11, will benefit moving to a non English school, learning a complicated language and expect them to shoulder the responsibility in coping with exams, is frankly far beyond irresponsible.

For a start although Spain is an EU country, there teaching methods etc etc are different to UK schools and relocating a child at a time that its essential to support, educate and motivate is also irresponsible.

What if you moved them at 11, then needed to return at 15, would you expect good GCSE`s considering the difference in teaching.

A friend of ours returned to UK with children who had grown up in Spain from around 8 yrs, they moved back after 5 yrs, the boy of 13 was diagnosed Dyslexic after 3 weeks in a UK school, the Spanish teachers put it down to poor understanding of Spanish, although one parent spoke Spanish fluently.

Any parent of a child, in that age group should understand its an important time and a challenge to children in there own country, to plonk them into an alien culture at such an important time is ridiculous and I`d say bordered on neglect.

Younger children can cope, especially as they develop emotional ties slower at a young age, over the age I stated they maybe mature enough to cope with the loss of friends and change.

Anybody who has children at that age should seriously consider delaying the move.


“I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

Posted: 12 July 2008 02:17 AM   [ # 1 ]  
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I split the thread since it was clearly getting off topic.

You’re certainly opinionated on this topic. I think you have some good reasons behind your opinions too, some aspects of which I’d never considered.

Perhaps I’m blinded by the fact that I wish I’d moved to Spain when I was younger and can only wish for my children to benefit from the Spanish cultural perspective earlier rather than later.


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Recommended reading: working visa (non EU), other visas, jobs in Spain, teaching English (non EU), finding apartments, holidays, mobile/cell phones, NIE cards, gestors.

Posted: 12 July 2008 02:26 PM   [ # 2 ]  
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There are many issues involved in moving countries.

Some you only grasp once you`ve done it, it depends on how mentally capable of handling not only the stress but also the decision and there implications.

I read on another forum about a family that have been in Spain 7 yrs, they have run out of money etc etc, they have no relatives in the UK, they have to return as they cannot manage in Spain without benefit’s or help, which Spain doesn`t provide.

They`ve had to save for the flights and when they land they will be homeless.

But the UK system will not provide benefit’s to returning Expats for min of 6 months, so they won`t qualify for Social Housing, so there homeless.

They have a “Spanenglish” son, who is 18, he`s gonna have a hell of a time, he obviously does not want to return to the UK, let alone return homeless.

Thats basically the story, its more involved about there business in Spain and why there now unemployed and unable to seek work in Spain.

The recession is hitting Spain as much as the UK, a Spanish friend of my wife who works as an advisor of Economics to the Junta De Andulucia was discussing with her the implications and lack of fore-site within both regional and central govt a year ago.

She painted a very poor outcome if Spain’s inflation rises further, she so far has been right.The Spanish govt hasn`t been saving for a rainy day, probably hoping the EU will bail them out.

Anybody moving anywhere should always plan a return option, if circumstances changed, which life does constantly do, and it doesn`t hold options, i wouldn`t make the move.

I`m lucky, I have family in both countries and a job thats always been in demand, but I still get cold sweets living in Spain.


“I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

Posted: 12 July 2008 05:41 PM   [ # 3 ]  
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Santi your making very good story there , She painted a very poor outcome if Spain?s inflation rises further, she so far has been right.The Spanish govt hasn`t been saving for a rainy day, probably hoping the EU will bail them out. spain not the only place that has this problem , i been out sick with the summer flu and yesterday the company i work for are to lay off all it staff that work in the feild (that me and few more due lake off work so got 2 more weeks at work
we been told if think pick up we be hired back again , when ?
the boss can take any more he lossing money hand over hand

benefit?s i think are northen think but if migrant from african country are less off country come to most Eu that get every benefit under the sun frist be for us EU heads wich is wrong expats from what evey eu country sould be help out by the own country frist
yes i see thsi sttoryies aswell in outher forums aswell

now i dont know what i going to do in few weeks time

Posted: 12 July 2008 10:19 PM   [ # 4 ]  
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jurdyr - 12 July 2008 05:41 PM

now i dont know what i going to do in few weeks time

You`ll do what everybody else does in your position does, you move on.

When one door closes, another will open.

You`ll be fine I`m sure.

I lost work in Spain many times, I`ve had to return to the UK and Euro Commute back to my family in Spain.

But imaging if you moved to Spain and lost your job, what you feel now you can treble in Spain, I had family who are spanish, they helped a lot, but it still scares me.

A friend of mine who has lost his job twice in the last 3 months still hasn`t found work, he`s Argentinian, so language not an issue, he`s been a waiter for 7 yrs in Spain and both bars/Rest have closed.

I spoke to him yesterday, his unemployment payments run out in 3 months, he was receiving 80% of his basic working wage, the last payment he recieved has now been reduced to 65%.The Spanish system reduces the payments towards the end, as a way to encourage you to seek work.

So in real terms in the next 3 months from, now he`ll recieve around 1.900 Euro`s in benefit payments, then they stop.

You recieve payments based on the time you`ve worked and the amount you`ve paid, he`s been paying for 10 yrs since arrive in Spain, he`s only recieved 8 months in benefit’s.

There currently lookin into returning to family in Argentina.

Good luck on your current situation, you`ll be fine, just keep positive.

Don`t look back always move forward. 😉


“I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

Posted: 13 July 2008 12:57 AM   [ # 5 ]  
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just me one guys that works with me and here he 4 years working with same company but problem is told him to go back to the uk and get his benefit?s there ! just dont what to deal with non specaking spanish
now i am contract work , pay my own tax so need to look up what i am due ? if any

ll be fine, just keep positive funny side off life , ja ja ja

Santi thinks where alwas hard in spain 80s 90s and now

Posted: 13 July 2008 01:38 PM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  738
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So you in Spain, Ireland or Chesire ?


“I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

Posted: 14 July 2008 03:55 AM   [ # 7 ]  
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in Spain work spanish/irish company , i work for media companys around EU upgrading there IT systems , both tv radio and internet media comapny are felling the slow down lot faster then whats happen in front off you eyes

Prisa will sell Digital+ in spain there big slow down in are market and fined it hard to get good work but told this will turn around in two years time
i am ok can go home to uk to family but dont real want to , heading to ireland soon for some work that com in , not bad but this all end as summer holiday com start in AUG

yes money is get tight and Coca cola has admitted that while sales are holding steady in the supermarkets, they have seen a 6% reduction in sales in bars and restaurants. The reduction is put down to the current economic climate, where people are said to be going out less

i think spain real going to get hit after the summer is over
airline travel is going up about 40 euros Extra a round trip with the Crude Oil head new hights and estimate price by dec 2008 hitting 170USD dollers i think be 195USD dollers my then
oil trading price was 144.41 USD dollers fri 12 july

A million empty new homes in Spain , electricity bills are to go up again this oct again are price off fuel coal gas have all gone up sine are incress at start off this month

i do travel lot with work from Ireland UK Sweden Hungray and more but this i see slow down
one comapany have put off there expansion program off for a year , why you ask , interest rate, used to fix the mortgage rates paid by most borrowers in Spain, will end June at its highest level since the index was created in 2000, at 5.36%. The jump in price means a 76 ? increase in the monthly payment on the average mortgage.
food is going upaswell

Posted: 14 July 2008 01:58 PM   [ # 8 ]  
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Joined  2008-06-23

You too negative. 😉

Anybody planning to move to Spain or any other EU country should hold off and ride out the storm in the UK.

Spain and most other EU countries don`t help people in financial situations until you`ve been in country and paid for many years, even then you`ll need to find work asap.

Any outsider who isn`t fluent in the language, worked for many years in Spanish companies has a very narrow job market.

I read on another site about a guy who`s got a job in Madrid, he speaks poor Spanish and needed translation in the interview, he`s only been to Spain a few times.

They offered him the job, in the interview.

This will end in tears, there are a few people I`ve found that get recruited by companies lookin for people and can`t find Spaniards due to the poor pay, usually commission based to fill the position.So they recruit from UK, hoping the prospective employee will be unable to return easily to the UK and stay in the poorly paid job.

Sounds far fetched, but there are a few IT and sales companies doin it.

The law in spain regarding employment rules etc is at the least a mine field, there arn`t tribunals.I worked for a company once that broke the contract i signed.

My jefe`s response was so what.Taking people to court is an extremaly expensive option and you can only do it with a lawyer.

So if your conditons don`t appear and the people in the interview told you a lie, which happens, a lot, your stuffed.


“I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

Posted: 14 July 2008 03:16 PM   [ # 9 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

if your negative you end up been a downer , wich i am not , Santi you a man off knowage . i love reading your posts and love coming back with replays to you as you can turn any think around to be Positive well done to you and say lot are reading this post aswell have good read

Posted: 14 July 2008 05:30 PM   [ # 10 ]  
Total Posts:  738
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jurdyr - 14 July 2008 03:16 PM

if your negative you end up been a downer , wich i am not , Santi you a man off knowage . i love reading your posts and love coming back with replays to you as you can turn any think around to be Positive well done to you and say lot are reading this post aswell have good read

I try to keep it real. :coolsmile:


“I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”
