Seeking Salon Experience
Posted: 17 July 2008 07:37 PM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2008-07-17

Hi All

Myself and my partner are planning the ‘Big Move’ to the Costa Del Sol in January however im concerned, like many others, how difficult it will be to find a job. My boyfriend is 22 and a qualified Electrician. He is going to go Self Emlployed and rely on advertising in local newspapers.

Im 21 and qualified as a professional Semi-Permenant Eyelash Extension Artist and looking to find work as a Junior in a beauty salon. I do not have any salon experience as i have been office based since 16 and doing eyelashes in my spare time. I am not looking for a brilliant salary (as i dont speak much spanish) however need enough to get by (to begin with). I would love to become a beauty therapist and train as i work.

I may be asking of a lot though your comments would be much appreciated and if anyone has a salon in the Costa Del Sol who may be interested in giving me a trial i would love to hear from you.



Posted: 17 July 2008 09:27 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  738
Joined  2008-06-23

Before you make the move i`d recommend a trip to the area 1st.

Leg work is important and although an Electrician is a relatively good profession to be in, in the CDS area there are hundreds, from all over the world.

Spanish language is important as all Electrical work needs a safety cert, the rules, the regs and the plans will all be in Spanish and he will need to fill out certs in spanish, otherwise it cannot be granted a cert and will be illegal.

As for the salon, most in CDS are relatively small and are used to people cold calling lookin for work, they don`t need to advertise in the area, never mind on the net.

One industry he may get into is the instalation of Air Con units, its usually an industry looking for people, as its poorly paid, dangerous due to being on high ladders without safety equip and hard work.

A mate did it a few years ago, he lasted 8 months and was paid around 800.00 euro`s a month.

Here is some electricians listed;=

Not only the one man outfits there are a few such as these that service all the properties requirements.

If your up for a roller coaster ride and accept you may need to return, go for it.but if you want to stay in Spain any period of time, the more you research and prepare before hand, the bigger the chances of succeeding.

You should really consider moving out only when you have jobs to go to.

You`d be mad to leave without them.


“I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

Posted: 18 July 2008 12:26 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2008-07-17

Thanks for the advice.

We have been researching and planning the move since October last year and i know the area extremely well. Ive got many friends out there who speak the language fluently and will look after us if we get in trouble. I think its a case of fingers crossed and take the risk. We have no commitments here, no children or mortgage so there isnt really anything to hold us back.

Are many of the salons in the area English?

Do you think my partners best bet is to go self employed or contact companie?


Posted: 18 July 2008 02:16 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  738
Joined  2008-06-23
SashaMackie - 18 July 2008 12:26 PM

Ive got many friends out there who speak the language fluently and will look after us if we get in trouble.

That can help, but experience has taught me that moral support is useless when you need money, sometimes friends can`t always provide the latter.

I think its a case of fingers crossed and take the risk. We have no commitments here, no children or mortgage so there isn really anything to hold us back.

Then buckle up, hold on and enjoy the ride.

Are many of the salons in the area English?

A few, how many I`ve not counted, most though are mobile.

Do you think my partners best bet is to go self employed or contact companie?


Can`t hurt to try companiess, you never know.

Having said that, Spain at the moment is in worse state than the UK concerning the economy.

UK inflation is at 3.8%, in Spain its just under 5%.

Fuel, food,wages and unemployment all been rising sharper than the UK.

The construction Industry is being effected, not only builds, but people arn`t renewing kitchens etc etc, so even the small projects are reducing.

For how long and how much it could effect you who knows, if your leaving safe work, I`d hold out until things improve.If your not so settled, then the answers easier.

I just find it annoying sometimes that people back home in the UK write they`d like to move to get away from the economic gloom, and that things are better in Spain.

Just be aware that money, bills and job security can be worse here, its hard to live anyway now when your a native, being a foreigner can be worse, there isn`t any magic disneyland, if there was I`d be moving there.

Sorry to be negative, having a bad day thanks to BBVA bank. :long:


“I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”
