Can anyone help me concerning how the La Renta tax is calculated when the Catastral Value has not yet been declared by the town hall? I do not get any income from my property.
I think that I know how it is calculated when the Catastral Value is available - but what if it is not yet known? Does anyone know if this happens often?
I had to sack my Fiscal Representative because they got the Patrimonio Tax wrong. This resulted in a massive overpayment which they were incapable of retrieving. After 12 months of being the polite Englishman I finally had to threaten legal action to get them to cough up. In a nutshell - they failed to take into account the fact that I had a mortgage with a Spanish bank. although I had told them that I had right at the start of our relationship. The mortgage with a Spanish Bank is deductible when calculating Patrimonio tax. Me being quite new to Spain I wonder if this is common knowledge amongst expats? Hope this doesn’t sound patronizing as it’s me that’s the new kid on the block!
The Fiscal Rep said it wasn’t deductible until I proved it was, then they said the tax office wouldn’t pay back the overpayment, then they said that time for retrieving the overpayment had run out…...! No wonder I’m balding!!
I just need to confirm whether my ex-Fiscal Rep got the La Renta right or not.
Your comments would be appreciated.