Nacozari - 31 July 2008 11:52 PM
hi santi… well, you can argue over whether or not the EU is beneficial.
Inflation in UK 3.8%, Euro Zone around 5.2%.
but what i think goes without argument is that there is something wrong about certain members of any club or association having more rights or a different/better status than others. either you join the club and you go along with what the majority wants (in this case, FAR more than the majority, almost the TOTALITY goes by the same rules except two countries) or you go off and form your own club or stay on your own.
Depends on the club rules, we are abiding by the clubs rules, therefore nothing wrong with it.
Plus there is more than one club within the club, membership to the Euro single currency is not compulsory when joining the EU.
i can’t imagine joining a business association, for example, and telling the other 95% of the members that i am just going to opt out of the rules that don’t benefit me… but i will stick around for all the beneficial parts, thank you very much!
You have no grasp of the situation.
The EU does not make rules for countries to abide by, it grants harmonisation within the EU member states.Its a policy making organization that operates at European level rather than national level.The policies must then be turned into treaties and then ratified by each individual country
Every member of the EU has the option to either implement or ignore EU proposal`s.
The whole point is to underpin the whole European trade market, to create uniform trading conditions, free movement of goods, persons and services.
There are 11 EU countries apart from the UK who don`t use the Euro Single currency, there are 16 that do.
it may be very “smart,” as you very well say, but it is also sneaky, dishonorable and unfair.
Don`t take this the wrong way, but before you comment on the running of a club, read the rules first before stating there being broken.
The EU is made up of a Parliament, Council and Commission, using a club example is the way you would describe the situation to a child, your missing a huge amount out of the situation.
Frankly very poor example and description.