hopefully someone can give me a yes or no on this…
Recently I moved to Portugal from the UK for a while - having been used to whatever, 2mb ADSL in UK I was delighted to see that they had like 16mb broadband here.
I do some film work which means moving around of large files - so fast internet was a dream…
Dream was shattered though, when on my first few days at the hotel they slapped me with a 700 euro bill for bandwidth use in ONE DAY! Apparently, catching up on work I was behind on during the move, I’d used up more bandwidth in one day than the hotel had used in the last year! What’s a measly 23Gb these days - lol…. anyway you live and learn.
So basically, although you have some fast connections here, your bandwidth is limited to some derisory amount like 2Gb a month(unless you want to pay 90 euros a month to your ISP for unlimited - which I had to in the end).
Anyway, I’m rambling - my question is, is this the same in spain? Is broadband or cable limited upload/download? Or is it generally unlimited?
And if it is limited, can you get unlimited? And if so, what’s the typical costs?
Your help would be appreciated - thanks!