US Expat in Barcelona looking for shopping/dining partner
Posted: 23 December 2006 04:48 PM  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2006-09-21

Just got here on the 20th and feeling a little overwhelmed.  I moved here to study and eventually to teach English.  I have three weeks of nothing to do in particular except learn the Spanish culture and language.  I would like to have an English speaking partner to soften the shock of a new culture and to just hang out with.  I am female, 43, from Charlotte, NC (originally the Midwest, KC, MO).  Gender is not an issue…I am looking for a strictly plutonic friendship.  Nothing more.  Nationality is not an issue, only that you speak English.  And if you speak Spanish, than I can practice.

Is it me, or is the pace here in Barcelona incredibly fast?  Everyone is in a hurry and I thought I came from a fast lane culture.  I had expected a more relaxed pace due to the fact that it is a beach city.

Oh, not to whine.  I am so happy to be here…just a little overwhelmed.

Any empathetic souls out there are appreciated.

Posted: 02 January 2007 09:03 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2007-01-02

Hi Lilith,  I’m a 26 year old female from Texas looking to teach english in Spain this year.  Can you give me some advice on how you moved out there and what school, company you’re using to get certified/ training. Thanks.  😊

Posted: 09 January 2007 07:20 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2007-01-09

Hello! I am coming to Spain the end of March and will be traveling to various parts.  If you’d like to go shopping or have dinner I am from the US and teach English in Thailand, but looking also to possibly teach in Spain after October.  Want to meet?

Posted: 26 June 2007 05:01 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  66
Joined  2007-06-08

Hi Lilith,
we live a bit south (or west, if you look at the map) of barcelona, in castelldefels. If you fancy, give a shout. We might just be able to give you a good start in spain. I’m from holland, my girlfriend is russian. I’ve lived here 5 years now (the girl 9 years). I realize the place can get a little overwhelming at times.

PS Just realized the date on your post, you’re prob fine by now 😉

Posted: 26 June 2007 08:37 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2007-01-21

Hello all of you , if it can help as you arrive in Bcn you need to find straight away a magazine called Metropolitan.You are going to find hundreds of ads in English .
Have a look at their web where you ll get all the american associations gathered , where english/us guys meet.
You have my site as well .Have a look I am sure it can help you. By the way if you like writing I need some help….
