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Single parent moving to Spain….. help & advice much appreciated.
Posted: 29 September 2008 01:48 PM   [ # 16 ]  
Total Posts:  112
Joined  2008-09-06

Hi Una. I’m Italian and have been in Spain since October 2000. But I am an interpreter and already spoke fluent Spanish ... and am writing here both to help (if I can) and try and keep fluent in English :lol:

Posted: 30 September 2008 02:41 AM   [ # 17 ]  
Total Posts:  10
Joined  2008-09-24

Oh very good.  I am fluent in Irish if you want to try that!!!!  :lol:

Posted: 30 September 2008 08:42 PM   [ # 18 ]  
Total Posts:  5
Joined  2008-09-29

Hi Uman,
I have lived in Nerja since Jan 08 and have an 11 year old and 13 year old who are both in Spanish schools.Both kids did not speak Spanish when we came which was my own stupid fault but they are now doing ok.  My son is in primary and my daughter high school.  It is very hard for them at first as it’s a huge step for you never mind the kids who you are basically dragging away from their mates.  They do settle in but you have to spend a lot of quality time with them to support them. 
As for costs in certain years at school ie years 2 4 & 6 you have to buy the school books they need and work books so remember to budget for these as I have just bought 4 books for the new year and it cost over 60 euros.  The kids could also be put back a year because of the language barrier but this is also normal for Spanish kids who aren’t up to scratch with their work.
The cost of living varies depending on where you are, here a town apartment is anything from 400-800 euros a month,  electricity is cheaper if you don’t use air-con and water is cheap.  Food shopping (if you stick to local brands) is much cheaper than the UK (don’t know about Ireland).
Hope this has helped a little

Posted: 01 October 2008 12:35 AM   [ # 19 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

T? f?ilte romhat , Ja ja ja

Posted: 01 October 2008 02:18 AM   [ # 20 ]  
Total Posts:  10
Joined  2008-09-24

Ta bron orm ach ce he seo? Are you Irish?

Posted: 01 October 2008 04:25 AM   [ # 21 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

ta , will the passport say i am but wont want to be living in ireland with whats happen there in jobs way been living to long out side ireland .  spain Usa and uk
but do travel to from ireland a lot

in ireland doing some radio work for i radio
i pm you with my irish telphone no if want to chat are any help


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