Telefonica are about to get the wake up , see it and still there fix line company are good for the market but can all so go bust very fast aswell
dont for get Telefonica have the back bone , not say there the best are worst ......
just problem there few heads that still want to work , but like it was the 70s and dont get a fack due to there wages , fire them and the company come to stop due to strikes
i work with few heads in tf and i had no problem with telphone lines , link links dsl and so on but told dont deal with few heads , i see why
Telefonica belongs to
shareholder who are BBVA (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria) Spain 6.05 Lib?ration
Brandes Investment Partners, L.P United States of America 0.9 [Company communication]
Citigroup Inc. United States of America 0.2 [Company communication]
Franklin Resources, Inc United States of America 0.5 [Company communication]
Infonet Services Corp. United States of America 14.5 Les Echos
La Caixa Spain 5.1
Telefonica owns
Admira ex-Telefonica Media Spain 100 [Company communication]
Antena 3 Spain 34 Les Echos
CANTV (CA Nacional Telefonos de Venezuela) Venezuela 17 Bloomberg
Cesky Telecom AS Czech Republic 69.4 Les Echos
Colombia Telecom Colombia 50 Les Echos
CTC (Compania de Telecomunicaciones de Chile) Chile 44 [Company communication]
Meditel Tunisia [Company communication]
O2 ex-BT Wireless United Kingdom 100 ZDNet
Pearson plc. United Kingdom 5 La Tribune
Pegaso Telecomunicaciones S.A Mexico 65 Les Echos
Portugal Telecom Portugal 10 [Company communication]
Sogecable S.A Spain 22 [Company communication]
Telefonica Moviles Spain 100 [Company communication]
Telesp Celular Brazil [Company communication]
Terra Networks Spain 100 Les Echos
TPI Telef?nica Publicidad e Informaci?n SA Spain 59.9 [Company communication]
and few more comapanys aswell
Claiming that the Spanish telecommunications company, Telefonica S.A. had abused it?s dominant position in the market for broad band access and line lines
and it wholesale market in spain
bouth in the Uk and Ireland when sainstate comapny where broken up it tock time for outhers to back in to the markets
it not easy and hard work
i know do this few time work with this companys