Posted: 02 November 2008 01:29 AM  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  15
Joined  2008-11-01


Posted: 02 November 2008 01:49 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

frist want get every one in the camp site to get and take laegl action on the owners to get your money back ,that if he r she has not used it up

befor hand any money over you sould get it looked over with town hall in the area , real you dont have a foot to stand on

sorry for the bad news , time to get lawer and start action

Posted: 02 November 2008 02:02 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  15
Joined  2008-11-01


Posted: 10 December 2008 01:41 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2008-12-09

Mobile home sites come under 2 categories, camping/camp sites and residential style parks. Residential style parks are for mobile homes only, an example is Parque La Posada in Alameda. Camp sites that offer both normal camping as well as mobile homes for example Camping Valle Niza tend to be nearer the coast and ironically more expensive with less facilities that suit living all year round as a resident. Camp sites can also be restricted in the number of mobile homes they can have in relation to the number of plots that they have on the park. Rule of thumb is no more than 30%. Owning a mobile home in Spain is not a problem, there are 100’s who live in one all year round near Antequera alone.

All you need do is make sure you have done your homework and choose a good mobile home park. Type in “mobile home spain” on google and you will see sites that offer various mobile home parks and all you need to do to make sure you will not end up on a problem park as far as living in a mobile home as a resident is concerned is to ask the question “does the site allow camping or sub letting?”. If the answer is yes to both you know it is a camp site first and mobile home park second. If the website you contacted is also offering you parks all over Spain the chances are most of them are camp sites/mobile home parks as there are not that many dedicated mobile home parks in Spain. In truth, if you have a mobile home on a park that you wished it was not on then relocating it to a dedicated mobile home park would make sense.




Posted: 28 January 2009 04:29 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2009-01-28

I really didn’t think that happened.First of all i wanna know whether you looking for the site or not.Because there are lot of sites to buy.

Posted: 21 February 2009 06:00 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  15
Joined  2008-11-01


Posted: 21 February 2009 07:15 PM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

daveyc2004 nice two hear you good news but again , keep notes what going on with the meeting and keep asking and asking you get there at the end
keep us post here please


Posted: 18 November 2009 04:25 PM   [ # 7 ]  
Total Posts:  9
Joined  2008-12-09

The answer to everyone’s concerns is quite simple. If you are thinking of living in Spain on a mobile home park spend a few weeks before hand in a rented apartment in the area and visit the park that you are thinking of buying on as often as you can and ask lots of relevant questions. 1/ Is it open all year round. 2/ Is the licence primarily for a camp site rather than a mobile home park (as both are classified as camping) and if it is primarily for a camp site what restrictions are there regarding mobile homes. 3/ Ask the park this as well. If you decide in the future to move your mobile home onto a different park is there a fee to pay to take your home away? a decent site will charge you nothing as they do not expect you to want to leave at all anyway. All the horror stories stem from people not doing their homework first and a lot of people think that the language barrier prevents them from doing so. Treat fact finding as a holiday and when on the park that you are thinking off ask the residents all the questions as well. On a proper dedicated mobile home park all the residents will speak English which means you can get all the straight information you need straight from the horses mouth. Mobile home parks are the answer for a lot of people because they are buying into an established community with support on hand, but a lot of people will also feel after visiting that the life style is not for them. A visit is always a must along with an open mind.



