Taking Belgium car to Spain and getting Spanish plates.
Posted: 02 November 2008 05:21 AM  
Total Posts:  63
Joined  2008-10-24

I have a holiday home in Spain and would like to take one of my Belgium cars (no plates on it for the moment) to Spain and get the Spanish plates on it.  (the transport of the car to Spain isn’t a problem)

What and how do I have to do this, I mean the part to obtain the Spanish number plates and documents on it ?
What is the cost and how is this calculated (taxes, importation tax, ...).
Can someone help me please ...

Posted: 02 November 2008 05:28 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  156
Joined  2007-06-11

The easiest way is to use a Gestoria ( this is a sort of Para Legal, that specialises in interfacing with the populace and the government administration system) certainly for an expat it has to be the easiest way to sort it, ( I have just transferred my van from one person to the compan and it has taken me nearly 11 months to sort out!! and that was using a ” specialist”.

There is one item you need check on the validity of in your case, and that would be the Declaracion de Bajo,, which is a cert you get from the UK Consulate. this when presented with the importation papers will save you money on the taxation,,,, (there is a load of criteria around this so highly recommend you use a Gestoria,

See here



Posted: 02 November 2008 06:46 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  63
Joined  2008-10-24

Thanks again Mike.
I am importing from Belgium, so normaly easier because of lights and that kind of thing I don’t have to wory about.
Dor you know a link or so where I could read more about how to import a car, this just to see if I well be importing or better buying a car in Spain?

Posted: 08 November 2008 02:30 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  18
Joined  2007-03-17

Hi clav

we import our car from the US to spain and we used this company http://www.carimportinspain.com/. Chris is very knowledgeable. I would recommend him without any hesitation he took care of everything.


Posted: 09 November 2008 10:16 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  156
Joined  2007-06-11
Clav - 02 November 2008 06:46 PM

Thanks again Mike.
I am importing from Belgium, so normaly easier because of lights and that kind of thing I don’t have to wory about.
Dor you know a link or so where I could read more about how to import a car, this just to see if I well be importing or better buying a car in Spain?

Its all about price,
  If you take the price you are buying for and add about 1000?/1500?  (this will be the cost of getting the car down to Spain, Gestor and administration fees about 350?, On top of that you will have to pay a registration fee of either 4% or 12% of the value of the car’s new value ( a lot of people refer to this as the Tax). This fee can be reduced but you will need to challenge the Gestoria to get it sorted for you,

I purchased a Car from France and bought it down, ( Ford Focus Estate, cost 9,500?), and it cost me 673.00? to register and get new plates, ITV and Gestor fee was another 96?. this was two years ago so dont know how valid that info is now.


