moving to spain: jobs
Posted: 27 October 2008 06:35 PM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2008-08-04


I was just wondering whether people find it easier to find somewhere to live first and then find work or the other way about. I’m stuck in a bit of a rut and don’t really know where to start. How easy is it to find bar/hotel work and do most places prefer experience?


Posted: 27 October 2008 06:50 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

Well the way things are going it could be hard to fine work in any line , lot people are in a rut
if you come to spain you need money to live ,budget yourself for 6 months rent and cash to live on
rent here could be from 200 euros shared to 600 euros , living on you own are more
make sure you have return flight aswell if thinks dont work out aswell
have some cash put side for the rainy day if you have to head home

Posted: 20 November 2008 11:55 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  166
Joined  2007-07-25


It depends on what your skills are, if you are looking for a particular job in a industry that you have been trained then you could search the internet, find job wesbites and apply before actually landing in Spain, set yourself up some good interviews for when you arrive.

I would do research along those lines before moving to a country, it is no good living in the country for instance when you need to work 1 hour’s drive away.

You have already started because you joined a good forum 😊

All the best and take care


Scoliosis Support Network
Online Gaming Jobs

Posted: 23 November 2008 03:41 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

Hi Jenna,
I think the advice jurdyr has given is sound.
When I first ‘landed’ I had approached a UK employer in the sector I wanted to work and secured a job
that came with an apartment, car and a wage!  The job only lasted 6 months, but it gave me the confidence
to stay on and find another job.
Sadly at present we are all having difficulties making ends meet/finding a job (see my other posts). 
If you really want to do it - then good luck.  Just be aware that it is a harder time right now as lots of people
are looking for work/cost of living is going up weekly! 
But I also believe if it is what you truly want you might have a chance of success - even if it is a dire situation
Other friends have turned up, stayed in a hostal initially, then found work, shared apartment etc.
But you do need money to get by. (so again, jurdrys is sound advice).

Hope you achieve your dream!
