Student Visa Question
Posted: 08 July 2011 06:47 PM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2011-07-06

I am hoping someone out there can help me.

I am scheduled to travel to Madrid for a semester abroad on August 27th, 2011.  I received my acceptance letter at the end of May; the semester ends January 20th, so I will be there more than 90 days.  In mid June, I logged into the Spanish Consulate Visa Scheduling site?the first available appointment was AUGUST 24th!!  We booked it, but I am learning that they want to keep your passport for up to 7 weeks, and I am supposed to leave three days later.  I have called the consulate 12-15 times and left messages, but no one will return my call.  I don?t know what to do, and I don?t know anything about the visa process.  I live in NY, about a 6 hour drive to the Spanish consulate in New York City, which is the one I am serviced out of.  Please help, I am desparate!!!  Thank you!!

Posted: 08 July 2011 07:52 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

Yes Visa now do that that long and some times it can be days ,need to send them a email with travel dates , profite of you travel ,

he what you need two do ,

Documents you must submit in order to apply for a Student Visa:
? 2 Schengen Application forms dully filled out and signed.
? Passport. The passport must be valid for the intended period of your stay in Spain with at least one blank page to affix the visa. Also provide either of the following: US drivers license, US State ID card, current student ID.
? 2 recent photos passport size with a white background. Staple one photo on each of the application forms.
? Letter of acceptance as a full time student from Spain?s University/School or US program indicating: name, address and registration number of the school with Spain?s Department of Education; (Ministerio de Educaci?n de Espa?a) full payment of tuition, duration of the program, subjects of the study and hours of study per week which must be no less than 20.
? Health Insurance (original form): International insurance coverage for health/accident with a minimum coverage equal to $37,000 during the planning period of stay in Spain (or its equivalency in dollars).
? Proofs of financial means during your stay: Please provide one of the following:
1. Letter from the University or School in Spain or in the USA assuming full financial responsibility during your stay (this is often included into the acceptance letter)
2. Proof of financial aid or scholarship for at least $1,000 per month for room and board.
3. Notarized letter from your parents or legal guardians assuming full financial responsibility for at least $1,000 per month for room and board. Suggested wording: ?I hereby certify that I?m the (father/mother/other) of (?), will support him/her with a monthly allowance of at least $1,000 while he/she is in Spain and that I?m financially responsible for any emergency that may arise?.
4. Personal bank account statements showing at least $1,000 per month of stay.
-?Money-Order? to pay the non-refundable visa fee of $100 for US citizens or $ 92,40* for the other nationalities payable to the Consulate of Spain * For Russia, Ukrania, Macedonia, (ARYM), Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, and Moldavia the fee is $ 53,90 (no personal checks or cash accepted).
? Self-addressed and Pre-Paid US ?Express-Mail? envelope from the USPS if you wish to have your passport retuned by mail. We do NOT accept any other type of courier of messenger service. Tracking of mailed items is the sole responsibility of the applicant.
? Evidence of your migratory status in the USA (Only for non US citizens): Provide your ?Alien Registration Card? or ?US Visa with I-20/IAP-66?(except B1-B2).
? Certificate of Absence of Police Records (Only for stays of more than 180 days) issued by the Police Department from the city/cities where you have resided more than six months in the past five years. This Certificate must bear the ?Apostille of The Hague Convention? (Contact the Secretary of State of the issuing state). If the Certificate is issued outside the USA it must be duly legalized by the corresponding Consulate of Spain.
? Medical Certificate (for periods longer than 180 days): Doctor?s statement (issued within 3 months from the application date),on a doctor or medical center letterhead, indicating that the student has been examined and found in good physical and mental health to travel to study abroad and is free of contagious diseases.
? Notarized authorization from both parents, with the Apostille of the Hague Convention (contact the Secretary of State for your state of residency) and a copy of the applicants birth certificate showing parents names (only if the applicant is under 18 years of age).

Additional Requirements & Time may apply
? Applicants must submit originals and copies of the above mentioned documents. If your documents are accepted to process the visa they will not be returned.
? Applications for this type of visa will neither be accepted more than four months in advance nor less than 7 weeks before the departure date.
? The passport must be left in our office so we can process your visa.
? It takes a minimum of 7 weeks to process this type of visa.
? During this time no telephone consultations will be taken by this office regarding your visa status.
? If granted your visa will allow you to study in Spain for the requested period of time, as specified on the visa sticker, (?del?.al?.?). Keep in mind the date format in Europe: Day, Month and Year.
? If your stay in Spain is for a period longer than 180 days you will have to request, within one month of your arrival in Spain, an authorization for the completion of your studies as well as the proper student ID card from the Police Department in Spain (?Policia Nacional?).

This visa will allow you for transit in the Schengen countries to and from Spain up to a maximum of 5 days (total).
