I have just moved to Spain and went through a process of reclaiming my nationality due to spanish parents.
if you were given a spanish passport by the spanish embassy in london, then your are a spanish citizen.
Part of the paperwork I completed on London was to obtain my dni card, which can only be done in Spain. The passport I aquired from the uk. They issued me with a certificate and told me that was all I needed from them and all thqt was required was to register in Spain somewhere (enpadronar) and go along with the certificate and proof of registering in spain (and some photos).
i have friend germany, she lives there. she is a spanish citizen. she was issued a certificate by the spanish embassy in germany that she lives in germany. this certificate + her spanish birth certificate was all she needed to get a dni here in spain.
now if you are going to live here, then you need proof of that and that is the “certificado o volante de empadronamiento”. pictures + your spanish birth certificate long form (certificado de nacimiento literal). Do you have this?
I speak spanish bit this is not the problem as my Spanish girlfriend ha been assisting me with everything. The problem is the lady doesn’t really recognise the document/certificate and refuses to phone or check with anyone. Really stubborn. Basically the certificTe is a translation of my birth certificate to Spanish parents with Madrid acknowledging the documents to prove this. It is stamped with a date authorising me to obtain my dni.
now i understand why the lady doesn’t recognize the certificate. It is not a spanish birth certificate, which is the requirement for the dni. all spaniards born abroad, whose births are registered at the spanish embassy have the spanish birth certificate issued by the embassy and the birth certificate issued by the country where they were born. the spanish birth certificate issued by the spanish consulate is a copy of the one in the registro civil central. you can get a copy on line of the certificado de nacimiento literal and with that you can go to the police.