difficulty obtaining DNI (with dual nationality)
Posted: 12 July 2011 01:42 PM  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2011-07-12

does anyone know what certificate/documents i need to obtain a spanish DNI card. i have dual nationality (spanish/british) and have a spanish passport. a certificate was issued from the spanish embassy in london after sending various documents to madrid, including family book, birth certificate and proof of being registered at a uk address. a local commissary refuses to accept the document saying it isn’t enough, without proving otherwise. i am going to try the main commissary but wondered if anyone can confirm i have the correct documents? first they tell me the dates don’t correlate, then they tell me i need supporting documents (i don’t believe the certificate says this and is something the head of commissary is making up as she probably hasn’t come across many cases like mine (its one of the smaller offices that happens to be close to where i live).
hope someone can shed light on this!

Posted: 12 July 2011 02:52 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  18
Joined  2011-07-05

Hi Ruzafa,

Normally you would have got one at the age of 14 because you need to have your thumbprint on your DNI card. I’m assuming you speak good Spanish, because what you will have to do is go to your nearest Spanish consulate and provide this and get a recent photo taken of yourself. I am surprised you haven’t had one already as you have a Spanish passport. Hopefully this will help you if you need more advice just ask.

CPC Holding

Posted: 12 July 2011 03:40 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2011-07-12

Thanks katy.
I have just moved to Spain and went through a process of reclaiming my nationality due to spanish parents. Part of the paperwork I completed on London was to obtain my dni card, which can only be done in Spain. The passport I aquired from the uk. They issued me with a certificate and told me that was all I needed from them and all thqt was required was to register in Spain somewhere (enpadronar) and go along with the certificate and proof of registering in spain (and some photos). I speak spanish bit this is not the problem as my Spanish girlfriend ha been assisting me with everything. The problem is the lady doesn’t really recognise the document/certificate and refuses to phone or check with anyone. Really stubborn. Basically the certificTe is a translation of my birth certificate to Spanish parents with Madrid acknowledging the documents to prove this. It is stamped with a date authorising me to obtain my dni.

I have since had confirmation from someone in the uk (friend) thAt went through the same process and had no difficulties with the exact same certificate. I tried queueing at the main commissary this morning by missed a ticket by ten people (they issue only 100) and that was queuing from before 7am! Anyway, thanks again and will let you know how i get on!

Posted: 12 July 2011 03:41 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2011-07-12

Kate, sorry :p

Posted: 12 July 2011 03:45 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  18
Joined  2011-07-05

not a problem like a said if you need any more advice just ask as we deal with property sales, rentals and holiday rentals, we also deal with translations of documents and property problems or legal problems, and if you are looking to move over we can help with removals n pet transportation. just give me a message if you’re ever struggling.

Kate 😊

Posted: 12 July 2011 10:52 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  453
Joined  2008-12-30

I have just moved to Spain and went through a process of reclaiming my nationality due to spanish parents.

if you were given a spanish passport by the spanish embassy in london, then your are a spanish citizen.

Part of the paperwork I completed on London was to obtain my dni card, which can only be done in Spain. The passport I aquired from the uk. They issued me with a certificate and told me that was all I needed from them and all thqt was required was to register in Spain somewhere (enpadronar) and go along with the certificate and proof of registering in spain (and some photos).

i have friend germany, she lives there. she is a spanish citizen.  she was issued a certificate by the spanish embassy in germany that she lives in germany. this certificate + her spanish birth certificate was all she needed to get a dni here in spain.

now if you are going to live here, then you need proof of that and that is the “certificado o volante de empadronamiento”. pictures + your spanish birth certificate long form (certificado de nacimiento literal). Do you have this?

I speak spanish bit this is not the problem as my Spanish girlfriend ha been assisting me with everything. The problem is the lady doesn’t really recognise the document/certificate and refuses to phone or check with anyone. Really stubborn. Basically the certificTe is a translation of my birth certificate to Spanish parents with Madrid acknowledging the documents to prove this. It is stamped with a date authorising me to obtain my dni.

now i understand why the lady doesn’t recognize the certificate. It is not a spanish birth certificate, which is the requirement for the dni. all spaniards born abroad, whose births are registered at the spanish embassy have the spanish birth certificate issued by the embassy and the birth certificate issued by the country where they were born. the spanish birth certificate issued by the spanish consulate is a copy of the one in the registro civil central. you can get a copy on line of the certificado de nacimiento literal and with that you can go to the police.

Posted: 20 July 2011 03:56 AM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  4
Joined  2011-07-12

artiz and kate thanks for all your help.

i finally have my DNI card! it turns out the the certificate i had was sufficient. i went to the main commissary in Valencia and they processed everything no problem. I don’t know what this lady’s problem was. still deciding whether to go back there and give her a piece of my mind… although i suppose i should get used to what comes with the climate and relax and learn to be patient.

Kate, i hired a company to bring my things from the UK only last week, which is a shame :(
it was only a very small amount of things anyway.

Thanks Again.
