Hello All
Posted: 28 July 2011 09:01 PM  
Total Posts:  56
Joined  2011-07-28

Hello All!
I?m new to the forum, I?m a Chinese-Australian and currently living in Madrid. I have been roaming these pages for a while, and thought it?s about time I register and see what I can help out with (since I?ve been through a rough time myself trying to settle in this country! The red tape.. auergh!).

Just a bit of my background on how I got here. Was an MBA student where I finished and found myself with the dreaded visa dilemma. Met my husband here as well, decided we should get married for practical reasons (and love!), moved to London to recuperate some funds for a while but hubby had to be in Spain for work.. So back we went and now I?m here, recently found a job, and settled down!

I find that the most difficult thing here in Spain is that everything is a mess. Information is hard to find and really, nobody knows the answer to anything (nor do they care). But at the end, it somehow works!! Just gotten over my work culture shock as well, they sure work differently here! Let alone, being the only Asian in a Spanish dominated company (which happens to be multi-national…) and surely sticking out like a sore thumb is quite an experience.. but I?m getting used to it!

If any Aussies are looking to marry here, I?m sure I can help give you tips about the process. Paperwork here is just a nightmare!!

Or I?m here to bicker about the culture shock! Hope you?ll bear with me 😊

Also if there are any expat events in Madrid, I would like to come by and meet people! I think I?ve stayed in my bubble too long…

Nice to meet you in advance!!
