Applying for the Tarjeta Sanitaria in Madrid
Posted: 29 July 2011 04:53 PM  
Total Posts:  56
Joined  2011-07-28

Hi All,

Done a search but didn?t find the answer.. but apologies if there?s already a thread out there about this…

I just received my first pay (and into the Social Security). I have tried to apply for the Tarjeta Sanitaria online a few times and they always came back with a message saying that my information does not coincide with their database…

Do you know if and when I am eligible for this card (do I have to wait for a few more payments into the Social Security) or how I can apply???

Thanks in advance!

Posted: 29 July 2011 10:46 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  101
Joined  2011-03-15

In Madrid I cannot say for certain, but here’s how it’s done in Galicia - I’d imagine that it’s the same. You will need your tarjeta de residencia or the certificate of residency plus passport. You will need your Documento de Afiliacion a la Seguridad Social, and you will need a Volante de Empadronamiento. Take these three documents to your local medical centre and they should be able to process the paperwork for you. Remember to take photocopies of everything. When you ask your council for the “volante” tell them that it is for the medical centre. If I remember well, I received my card about a month after applying for it.

Posted: 30 July 2011 01:28 AM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  56
Joined  2011-07-28

Thanks for the advice RiazorBlue!

I tried to read the Communidad de Madrid site, but they seem to imply that I need to apply via Seguridad Social and the lady on the phone also said to go to the Seguridad Social… but it certainly makes more sense to go directly to the Medical Centre since Seguridad Social can only say, yes you are registered, now what?s your problem?!

LOL some things should be obvious! I?ll pop into one to ask these weeks.


Posted: 30 July 2011 03:24 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  453
Joined  2008-12-30

I tried to read the Communidad de Madrid site, but they seem to imply that I need to apply via Seguridad Social and the lady on the phone also said to go to the Seguridad Social… but it certainly makes more sense to go directly to the Medical Centre since Seguridad Social can only say, yes you are registered, now what?s your problem?!

your social security number is linked to your health card. if you do not have the ss number or not registered with the social sec, you have to go first to the the tesoreria de la seguridad social. once you have the number you go to the health center to apply for the card. in your case, since you got salary and social sec contributions in your pay slip you may be able to apply directly for the card at the health center, but they may ask you a copy of a certificate of your social sec number from the social sec office.

Posted: 02 August 2011 05:39 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  56
Joined  2011-07-28

Thanks Aritz! That sounds easier than it might be!! I have SS # so I?ll grab the paper and check the health centre. Unfortunately summer is not the best time for finding people in the office, but will update once I try the medical centre.


Posted: 26 August 2011 02:44 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  56
Joined  2011-07-28

Just an update

Finally went off to the Medical Centre, was greeted by a grumpy public servant (as they all are) with a don?t bother me look, who then looked at my documents (padron cert, SS number cert), and told me I have to get a renewed Padr?n certificate updated less than 3 months (I seriously don?t understand this system) before I can get my card.

Question is, when the hell am I gonna find the time outside working hours to make it to the police station to update my padron? That will be the question..

But at least I know the process now. Thanks for the help!

Posted: 29 August 2011 09:36 PM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  101
Joined  2011-03-15

Gretina, you have to get the empadronamiento from your council office. Tell them it’s for your medical card as there are different versions of the ‘volante’ depending on their use. Spanish employers are used to their employees needing to arrive a couple of hours late now and again for these types of thing.

Posted: 21 March 2012 07:28 PM   [ # 7 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2012-03-20

